My name is @ettydiallova, I am as a leader of Indonesian Steemit Community (KSI)-Chapter Taiwan. I am an Indonesian from East Lampung of Sumatera who are living in Taiwan for work and study here. Actually I feel not quite capable of being an Ambassador, but I want to learn and participate in realizing the changes and future progress through Steemit, Here I submit my Application to become a Steem Ambassador.
The firts one, I want to tell what does Steemit means for me. Five months a go, I have been made one posted, where I got many advantages from Steemit. Here is the Link Indonesian Steemian Say Hello from Taiwan
During my jobs as a journalist
Previously I would like to say many thanks to my mentor writing Mr. @jharyadi, who has recognized me on Steemit. And also to @mariska.lubis, @dilimunanzar, @cryptocurator, and Mr @starzkez who have given me the opportunity to apply became Steem Ambassdor. Before I decide to make this Application, I also shared with Steemian Taiwan, Her username is @livinguktaiwan. Thanks also for your support. As a beginner, I have to learn a lot from my fellow Steemians.
Besides working and continuing education in Taiwan, I also have a part job as a journalist at a Taiwanese magazine that uses Indonesian Language. In addition, I was also active in the organizations Indonesian Migrant Workers. During My activity, which meets many people and did writing and publications, make me excited to do #Promo-Steem at Formosa Island.
My hobby are reading and writing. I won many Awards of Writing Competitions and some of Photo story compertition. Even writing was brought me travelling and seeing how is beautiful Taiwan and Travelling to Jakarta for one week for free. It's my rewarded won the contest writing. I also often get jobs in the show in front of the camera, such as be master of ceremony in Talk show at Indonesian TV station and became a star advertisement in a well expedition company in Taiwan, it’s called INDEX.
My activies be master ceremony in TIMedia and INDEX's programs
Why I have to do Promo Steem to Indonesian People in Taiwan?One of The task to become Steem Ambassador is to do #promo-steem/it. Especially in Taiwan. I would do promo Steem not only to Indonesian people, but also Taiwanese. I will start from my Chinese Friends who similar profession with me. As journalist in some of local media report. About why I have to do Promo Steem in Taiwan, I already made the post
Why I have to do promo Steem in Taiwan?
1.Taiwan is the largest country for the placement of Indonesian migrant worker around two thousand seven hundred, including jobs formal and informal. Steem will help them to grow up and get future.
2.Taiwan is a developed country, which has internet access in the world, after Singapore and Sweden. So with the speed of internet access quality, very unfortunate if not used for good progress.
3.Transmit virus writing to their Indonesian migrants in Taiwan, using their time and internet to become creators content on Steemit. Because a lot of Indonesian here have hobbies that can be transferred on Steemit. Such as Writing, Photography, Blogger, Vlogger, Etc.
4.Improving prosperity and proclaiming future life for Indonesian migrants in Taiwan, by investing through good content on Steemit. So they can earn profit besides works as a migrant in Taiwan.
5.I believed Steemit can change human civilization to be advanced and better. With the blockchain system.
Why I want to become a Steem Ambassador?
- I want to introduce Steemit in Taiwan, whether to Indonesian or Taiwanese. Given my activity that meets the crowd, well, so I want to take advantage of that time by doing # promo-steem.
I did promo steem together my best friend in Taipei, here is the post
Berawal dari Persahabatan, Hingga Melakukan Promo Steem/it di Taiwan
2.@ahmadnayan and I have established KSI-Chapter Taiwan. It’s not easy built Steemit community in abroad. Because there was no Indonesian who knew Steemit at all. Thanks for team hunter and Steem Ambassador @my451r and @dilimunanzar who alredy help us do established it.
Here is the posted when KSI-Chapter Taiwan was established
Under 101's KSI-Chapter Taiwan Establish
3.Indonesia is a large country, with a population. there are 300,000 Indonesian in Taiwan . If more people know Steemit and are active in it, surely a great opportunity for Indonesia to be more advanced.
Promo Steem/it di Kalangan Cendekiawan
My future plans as Steem ambassador
My plan be a Steem Ambassador is I will more active to do #Promo-Steem/it in Taiwan, and also Learn more about blockchain system. So that more Indonesia join on Steem, and we together improve, towards changes for the best future.
Here is some my posted I did promo Steem/it in Taiwan
- Promo Steem dan Steemit di Kota Taipei
Promo Steem and Steemit at Taipei City, Taiwan
I also did some of Promo steem on air and we invited speaker, @levycore as Indonesian Curator, @maris.kalubis as OCD-curator and Leader KSI-Chapter Bandung, and @my451r as Steem Ambassor.
This is my application for Steem Ambassador. Thank you to @stazkerz, @anarcotech for give me chance to be part of team Promo-Steem. I hope this community will approve my application and I will do my best. Big thanks for Indonesian curator Mr. @levycore and @aiqabrago, who always support SKI-Taiwan growed up.
Thank you very much for my lovely family in Taiwan which called KSI-Chapter Taiwan. There are
@manoegra (Mawan Nugraha)
@dewins (Santy Dewin)
@masbudy94 ( Nur Budiono )
@bundaumy (Bunda Umy)
@yulianti101 (Sri Retno Yulianti)
@ahmadnayan (Ahmad Nayan)
@bnew72 (Rohimah)
@dwiitavita (Dewita Vita)
@chyintia (Chyintia Ratna Sari)
@bethnao (Betty Naibaho)
@nnaachlam (Anna Triana)
@ainee (Warsini )
Taiwan, 1st June 2018
Warm Regard
Hello, Thanks for such a great application and all the fantastic work you have been doing to increase awareness about the steem blockchain and its potential applications!
HERE!!! :)We at #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador have reviewed your application to become a Steem Ambassador and we are pleased to say that we would like to propose your candidacy to the community per the Application Approval Process
In order to proceed we would like to know that you are happy to follow the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guidelines outlined HERE & HERE.
Please respond below with your positive response and we will proceed to propose you to the Steemit community as a Steem Ambassador!!
Hello @steem-ambassador, I'm very happy you approved my application. Yes! I'm sure to be part of @steem-ambassador, do #promo-steem as well, and support di project.
Hai, Kak. My full support run to you! Good luck and can't wait to have you in the team! 😊
Sukses, ya!
Thank you very much for your Support.
Please hold my hand and we go together!Dello Dear Kakaku @alaikaabdullah.
Sukses untuk Kakak jua yah💝
Semangat dan selalu menjadi yang terbaik! Sukses!
Mohon bimbingannya👐Terima kasih atas supportnya Teh @mariska.lubis.
Semangat Teh Etty .
Terima kasih Teh @cicisw
I hope your apply to be Steem Ambassador will be uproved.
Can waiting for your next projects.
Hope Allah blessing your dayI'm stand with you @ettydiallova
Hope it will make better and inprove for us in the future..Thank you very much for your support Mba @dwiitavita😊
semoga tembus :)mantap mbak @ettydiallova 👍
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @iamrifk.
semoga membawa kebaikan untuk kita semua😊.
Salam KSI
Semuanya butuh perjuangan, tetap semangat untuk menjadi diri yang lebih baik karena itu adalah makna hidup, hari ini harus lebih baik dari hari kemarin, salam sukses selalu bu guru @ettydiallova kami mendukung mu.
Semoga memberikan kebaikan untuk kita semua.Terima kasih atas dukungannya @masudy94.
Siap, nanti.saya nyusul 😁😀
Semangat ce @ettydiallova dan teruslah menginspirasi kami. Sebagai keluarga #ksi-tw saya bangga dan bahagia tentu saja saya dan pastinya kami semua mendukungmu With love 💙 #ksi-tw
Saya bangga & bahagia memiliki keluarga ksi-tw.
Bersama kita bisa!Terima kasih atas dukungannya Mba @nnaachlam.
Semoga bisa memotivasi dan menginspirasi bagi yang lainnya. Aamiin
Teteh @ettydiallova luar biasa banget. Penghargaannya itu lohhhh, banyak banget Teh @ettydiallova. Semangat memberi manfaat Teteh @ettydiallova
Semoga bermanfaat untuk rekan-rekan semuanya & membawa kebaikan. Sukses untuk Abang juga di sana yah😊Terima kasih atas support dan appresiasinya Bang @aa31.
Hwah teh etty keren semngaat terus ya teteh
Ditunggu Applicationnya😊Terima kasih Teh @gethachan.
Siap teh etty hehe
Best of luck - must be the first application in from Taiwan! I really hope to hear news of Steemit spreading in Taiwan!
Thanks for your support @cryptocurator. I hope so! I can do #promo-steem in Taiwan as well, and Steemit can grow up as faster.
Regarding from Taiwan.
Proud of U. Sebelum daftar sbg steem ambassador, pun selama ini kak etty telah menjadi steem ambassador, saya tau apa yg kakak lakukan itu tdk "formalitas" , anda benar2 "mengurusi"member. Dan luar biasanya lagi, apa yg telah kakak lakukan, itu di tengah kesibukan sebagai pmi, student, MC, reporter dll. Anda sangat layak kak..
I second this aplication :)
Semoga ini bermanfaat untuk rekan2 yang lain.Terima kasih atas supportnya Bang @kakilasak.
Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa Bang,
I will support to you! good
luck and welcome to you in the team on The World. I Will resteem your application @ettydiallova
Please help, because as a beginner I have to learn more.Thank you very much for giving me appreciation Bang @jkfarza.
Regarding from Taiwan.
Good luck with your application!!!
I hope can do the best!Thank you for your support and appreciation @livinguktaiwan.
karena telah banyak yang di lakukan untuk Steemit Chapter Taiwansatu kalimat untuk Teh @ettydiallova dan @ranesa70 bersaksi Teh @ettydiallova layak menjadi Ambasador
Salam sukses untuk Mba disana juga yahTerima kasih atas dukungnya Mba @rabesa70.
Turut mendukung, Mbak Etty.
Semoga menjadi kabar baik!
Salam hangat dri Taiwan.Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @syamar😊
Kami disini mendoakanmu, dan berharap semoga engkau beruntung. Amin
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa. Terima kasih atas doa & dukungannya Bang @munawar87.Semoga membawa kebaikan untuk kita semua.
Sama2 tuan putri
Kami semua mendukungmu.
Salam sukses selaluMaju terus mbak @ettydiallova
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @andi.satria.hrp😊
Salam sukses untuk Abang di Indonesia jua.
sukses terus kak
Terima kasih Bang @bigbos99😊
Semangat dan sukses terus mba etty ku syg 😘😘
Semoga suatu saat dpt besua yah😊Terima kasih atas support & dukungannya Mba @lusanamaya 😍😍.
Saya dukung 100%
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @tusroni👐
Siap dukung.
Senang dengan informasinya. Semoga yang diniatkan kesampaian dan tentu saja dimudahkan hendaknya.
Salam KSI
Irman Syah | @mpugondrong
Semoga dapat membawa kebaikan untuk kita semua.Terima kasih atas dukungan & apresiasinya @mpugondrong.
Sama-sama @ettydiallova.
Iya, semoga kebersamaan yang diemban dapat semakin bermakna dalam perjalanan dan aktivitas ke depan.
Salam KSI
Amiinnn ya Allah,,,,😊
semoga di terima ya mbak
Amiinnn ya Allah,.
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @azwarrangkuti...
Salam santun dari brebes 😊😊Semangat dan sukses buat mba @ettydiallova .. saya dukung 1000 %
Salam hangat kembali dari Taipei😊Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @imam93.
Salamnya sudah saya terima teh, sudh nympe brebes pula. HahahaSaya akan selalu mendukung mba @etttdiallova hehe..
Kami mendukung @ettydiallova 👍
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Bang @tinmiswary.
Salam sukses selalu yah😊
Sukses selalu... Semoga diterima... Aamiin..
Semoga membawa kebaikan untuk kita semua,,Terima kasih atas dukungannya @re-kun.
Saya sangat mendukung mbak. Sukses terus ya...
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Mba @sittishabir.
Semoga membawa kebaikan untuk kita semua.
saya dukung mbak !!!
Terima kasih atas dukungannya Mba @narissa😍
Semangat mba 😘😘😘
Terima kasih Mbaku @ainee😘😘
Semangat mbaaa,,, @ettydiallova 😄😄😄
Terima kasih Mba @fatimputri31😊
Keren banget! Jadi pengen ke Taiwan 😍 semoga sukses ya mba !!
Amiinnn ya Allah,,.
Yuk, kapan2 main ke sini Mba @yulimia.
Salam sukses selalu yah, Mba. Untukmu di sana😍
Really proud of you, mbak Etty.
I hope can do the best to Indonesian Steemian in Taiwan,Thanks Mba @bethnao!
Keep rocking!
Good luck Mbak, semakin sukses...😊
Senang bertemu di plathform ini. Selamat datang di Steemit. Terima kash atas supportnyaHiii Mba @ucizahra
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Thanks for attention @steemitboard.
Welcome to the party :)
Thank you very much for your support and motivate Bang😊
Mantap pencapaian kakak...
I second this application
Semangyq mbak et...yang terbaik selalu untukmu :D
Terima kasih atas supportnya Mas @agungpriambodo