Application For Indonesia Steem Ambassador

in #ambassadorapplication7 years ago (edited)

Actually I don’t feel comfortable to post this application but this is the only way to have a better support for my plans, as well as to make my wishes come true. So, Herewith, I would like to apply as the Indonesia Steem Ambassador. I am sure this is a great opportunity for me and for all who have a lot of vision and missions to have a better world and future with Steem and Steemit.

Source :

Today is my 100 days with Steemit, and I am one of the OCD International Language Curators, and so happy with Indonesia Steemit Community (KSI) that I am the leader for Chapter Bandung. I am still a newbie for Steemit, but this is not the first time for me to promote blogs and social media in Indonesia. I was the most popular blogger in Indonesia in 2010 while blogging is still new in Indonesia. I had around 2 million Fans for my writings and thoughts in Facebook in 2012 and a lot more in Twitter, but all are gone after somebody took all my accounts including my emails for political and promotion purposes.

Some Steemians who already know me for years, following my movements and writings asked me, what will I do to Steemit and how long will I stay. They all know exactly that I am a very idealist person and money can not buy me at all. All the things that I do should not be good for myself but for all. Just like Facebook, before, none of Indonesian put their writings link in Facebook, perhaps some did it but it did not work. But, when my manager put my links in Facebook, then boom! All my writings are booming and encourage all users to share their links in FB, and FB become so popular in Indonesia. Twitter as well, my managers and team who work very hard to built Statusbook as their reasearch to connect FB and Twitter, to make sure we can share video and others in both. All are using my writings, since I know it will be good to show everybody that it works.

Wordpress as well, I remember I was rank 25th in the world as the most popular blogger in Wordpress World, just a few days I joined Wordpress. I did it on purpose, to make sure people who love to write could have their personal blogs in Wordpress, which according to my opinion is nice. I could sell my blogs to the advertisement, but I did not do it, I don’t like to make my blogs dirty with advertisement. It really annoys me, really!!!

Well, of course, I did not get it instantly, I was learning by experience. Since I was young I write and drawing, and I won some national competitions. I was also very active in some communities such hiking, diving, dancing, theater, off roads and others since I was still in junior high. Until now I still join all the communities and make friends with them all. I was also appointed as the Indonesian Student Ambassadors for a few events in 1996, for several international events related to United Nations and International Relationships. I traveled a lot to a lot of countries and met some famous Presidents such as US Bill Clinton and Kim Jong Sam from South Korea. I used to speak in front of public, formally and informally since then.

After I came back from studying abroad, I was working with the most popular woman magazine in Indonesia where then I was able to implement my idea about new magazines and so on. I was the girls next door for Men's Health Magazine as well and was ambassadors for some products. Then I got used to travel all over Indonesia, not only to promote but also to teach. I am still teaching for writing and drawing.

Yes, true, my presents mostly controversial. I could not deny it, I have my own way of thinking about promotion. I had my own advertising company before and big clients such as ABN Amro, Citi Bank, and Matahari Group were with me to have a better community. I believe since a long time ago that we all need a strong community to develop everything, and we need a solid one. It needs patients and always something new and different to catch the attentions, and the most important is, being selfish, egoist, and greedy will never become the winner. They can win, but will not stay too long, just like what happened to a lot of communities in Facebook. They all keep on fighting, sarcastic, egoist, and well, do not dare to get out of the box. Even if they do get out of the box, they will get inside to a new box and make another mistakes.


For all the experience that I had, I am happy to join Steemit and being Steemian. I can see that Steem and Steemit are not only about the rewards, though reward is very tempting. I see the opportunity to have a better world and future in Steemit. To be success in Steemit, we need to change our self, from being loner and selfish, to share and be part of community. From doing a lot of negative things such as accusing, blaming, and all bad things into a good and positive manners, which I hope it can be implemented in daily life when all get used to it. Being always original and try to share all the best for all itself, will encourage people to do the things right. We all are learned to dare our self to be our self, creative, have identity, but become human not robot, though we are all drawn in high technology. This is awesome!!!

As soon as I joined Steemit, I am happy to promote Steemit everywhere I go, especially when I realized Steemit was only well-known in Aceh, not in all Indonesia regions. I was alone in Bandung as well, and I am happy now we have a lot of Steemian from Bandung and West Java. I have to admit, that I use Steemit as my tool to unite all Indonesian, we are having a very terrible political issues by spreading hoax, spams, and plagiarisms, to against each other, and I do not like it at all. No matter what, we all are still Indonesian, and of course none are the same, we must think about the future and for all, not only for certain party or person. Being fanatics to anything will not help my country to grow, but it will send all of us to hell on earth. Hence, I am eagerly promoting Steem and Steemit with Indonesian Steemit Community (KSI), not only for Steem and Steemit but also for my people and my country.

Another thing that I like about Steem and Steemit, in here we all learn how to be original and as creative as possible. We are competing ideas and creativities which it will be happened soon in the future. We can survive with our ideas and creativity, by our work of arts, writings, and everything we do, independently and without any “interference” from sponsors, political agenda, and so on. We all need money to survive but we need to understand that we all human being who can create something, not only working and working. We can be human by being creative and nothing to be afraid. Money is a matter of survival, but should not be the main purpose of life, it will kill and destroy our self and creativity. We all want to have a better world and future, so we all need to change our self. Thank God, Steem and Steemit provide me all this things. I felt so much supported, and I am very happy. I can see all my students smiling at me when they realize that we can do positive changes by words, it is not only a thought but it can be proven.

I was traveled to Central Java, Jakarta, and Aceh to meet all my brothers and sisters in Indonesia Steemit Community. Of course, I am sure it will help to promote Steem and Steemit, but the most important is, to encourage the feeling of sharing and togetherness in Steemit and KSI. I initiate to have 1st National KSI Meet Up that on 16th of February 2018, in Bandung. This is the first and biggest Steem and Steemit promotion for Indonesia by all Steemian from everywhere. We will have a lot of guests, mostly artist, writers, journalists, students, teachers, and lecturers who also come from everywhere, including from Malaysia and Singapore. I managed the promotions about this events, Steem and Steemit, for national and local news and medias. I want everybody in Indonesia to know about Steem and Steemit. That is the first big move that I will do soon.

1st meet up.jpg

There are a couple of agendas that I have as well in mind, I am sure now is my time to show my self again in national medias. I left and stay away from media for a few years since I got tired of all the bad things that happened in my country. Now, with Steem and Steemit, I am confidence to be back to all media and promote Steem and Steemit everywhere. I have a good chance since I travel a lot around my country as well to teach, research, and join a lot of events from different kind of communities, from artist to politicians, from under poverty housewife to businessman, I join them all. It will be better if I can get a better support by being the Indonesia Steem Ambassador, it will be easier for me to promote to all the 35 provinces in Indonesia and to all communities. It is not about the delegation, the most important is I have a better way and stronger support to promote Steem and Steemit.

I think this is long enough, and I give all to @starkerz and @stephankendal as the judges. All the best for all. By the way, about the question how long I will stay in Steemit, my answer is as long as we all stay together to make a better world and future! Ha!!!

Thank you for @rismanrachman who make me join Steemit, @levycore, @aiqabrago, all KSI member, @acidyo and all @ocd team, and all Steemian. Let's do the best to have a better world and future with Steem and Steemit! We all can do it!!!


Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis

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Waduh.. tidak bisa berkat- kata lagi.. kereen bangetz kk.. team yang luar biasa.. saluuuttt..

Terima kasih...

Good luck ya mariska!

Totally agree...there has been so much negative things moving around in common social media platforms due political interest and so on in recent years. Really bad.

Hopefully we can bring more positive energy through this platform...
Instead of arguing the differences which would never end, why don't we focus on things we could benefit most of us?... :)

Terimakasih atas paparannya kakak @Mariska.lubis semoga sukses selalu.

sukses juga untukmu dan semua...

Saya sangat mendukung gerakan untuk memajukan masyarakat dan bangsa seperti, searah dengan pendapat mbak @mariska.lubis di atas semua butuh proses untuk kita lebih baik kedepannya
Salam hangat Steemian Aceh Bireuen #BSC
Terus berjuang mbak :)

Terimakasih atas penjelasan nya yang saudari @Mariska.lubis paparkan semoga sukses selalu.

amin, terima kasih.

good that is the team is verry good

terima kasih.

Saya fokus ke video. Warviazah kerennya: sederhana tapi manis. 😂😂

Terima kasih banyak loh adikku, dan ditunggu di Bandung!

Sukses terus untuk seluruh steemian :)
Ka @mariska.lubis keren banget 😍😍

Amin, terus semangat ya adikku yang manis!

Siap semangat terus pantang mundur.
Salam hangat kakaku @mariska.lubis 😊

You are the greatest one, and I would like to learn more from your dedicated for promo-steem in Indonesia :)

Much love from Aceh sumatra

peluk cium dan salam hangat selalu, ditunggu di Bandung!

He he he.. doakan langkahku menuju paris van java :)

keren euy

amin, terima kasih.

Bangga jadi bagian Komunitas Steemit Indonesia, khususnya KSI Chapter Bandung.
Semoga semakin sukses

Saya juga bangga banget!

I believed you will bring Steemit to change a lot of future to all of us. Lophe you Kakak @mariska.lubis
Go a gead!👍👍

Amin, terima kasih teh etty yang hebat dan selalu semangat!

You're amazing dear :)) hats off to all your effort promoting steemit offline. I hope more people are going to join the platform and more quality content to read!

PS : I really love the video

mariska is amazing, and I also admire it

Terima kasih abang yang saya kagumi.

Thanks a lot my dear... I am waiting for you in Bandung, we will have a great time!

good comments @macchiata , everyone will appreciate it
greetings @macchiata from @beureugek

Waw, ternyata kk orangnya, blogger yang selama ini saya cari cari

Nyari di mana? hahaha...

Gak penting kk nyari dimna. Yang penting skarang kk udah ketemu, aku udah lega😁

Kalau saya tak salah ingat, kakak juga dulu main multiply kah? Hihihi

iyaaaa... hahaha....

terima kasih banyak kak atas penjelasan mengenai platform yang luar biasa ini, sudah panjang lebar kakak menceritakan perjalanan kakak di steemit hingga sampai hari ini. apalah daya hidup seorang diri tanpa ada teman yang menemani, walaupun berada disinggasana yang tinggi terasa sunyi dan sepi.

anyway, I can't forget the statement below;

bye the way, about the question how long I will stay in Steemit, my answer is as long as we all stay together to make a better world and future! Ha!!!

that's completely awsome kak :D

setuju, kita manusia makhluk sosial yang pasti selalu membutuhkan orang lain... terima kasih ya...

masama kak :) terima kasih juga atas supportnya...

Mantap, pasti bisa 😎

kumaha damang untuk kota bandung.
bandung kota dingin yang penuh dengan kenangan..
dengan budaya sunda yang lembut serta cewek sundanya yang adem ayem (imut).

maaf, saya terfokus dengan kota bandung nya saja.. @mariska.lubis

hehehe pangestu alhamdulillah...

Hai,mariska,,saya sangat suka dengan tulisannu,kamu memang sangat pandai dalam menulis suatu hal,kamu hebat dalam berberapa menit bisa mendapatkan voting yang banyak,perkenalkan saya latifah1 baru terjun didunia steemit mohon dukungannya ya?

selamat bergabung ya... silahkan belajar bersama di Steemit untuk maju bersama juga.

terimakasih atas motivasinya

Wow. Keren sekali kak, apalagi vidionya susah saya berkata apa kak.
Best kalilah pokoknya kak. Saya belajar banyak dari kakak @mariska.lubis

terima kasih.... kita semua belajar bersama ya di sini...

Siap sensei. Hehehe

Sukses selalu kak dalam menjalankan tugas untuk semua steemian. Maju terus Komunitas Steemit Indonesia. :)

Kita semua harus maju bersama! ;)

Kita harus maju

Semangat selalu teh @mariska.lubis , tetap menginspirasi!

kita semua harus selalu semangat dong!

blogger hebat mbak @mariska.lubis. innovatif sekali. Sukses buat mbak @mariska.lubis dan stimeans bandung. Kagum.....

dirimu juga guru yang hebat kok...

I hope can learn from kak @mariska.lubis

How are i can be like you kak @mariska.lubis

Di sini kita semua saling belajar karena tanpa belajar kita semua tidak bisa maju.... sabar dan konsisten yah!

Sukses terus kakak dan team untuk mempromosikan platform steemit.
Setiap dengar nama kakak pasti kebayang semangat yang besar ❤
I love you kak, si sosok inspiratif yang ramah dan hangat ❤

saya salut denganmu yang cantik dan berhati sangat mulia... peluk cium..

Sangat bagus mbak, terimasih mbak ats semuanya.

terima kasih untukmu dan semua steemian...

Teh @mariska.lubis pantas dijadikan panutan bagi steemians semua, semangat beliau dalam dunia menulis tiada duanya, saya mendukung anda teh @mariska.lubis...

Terima kasih banyak...

Good luck kak.. Smg di approve

terima kasih.

Pengalaman yang sangat bagus KK, tetap semangat dalam berkarya. Semoga cerita ini jadi motivasi untuk kami semua.

amin, terima kasih yah.

Sukses ya, Teh. Dukung penuh dirimu. You are the greatest one for this purpose. Semoga dimudahkan langkahnya demi kemajuan Komunitas Steemit Indonesia. Good luck yaaa!

amin... terima kasih ya... huge hug!

iya kakak @mariska.lubis
kakak idealisme kuat punya prinsip yang tegas. dan punya tujuan yang nyata.
saya suka ikuti tulisan kak duku sampai saya membeli novel yang kakak tuliskan. semoga kakak sehat selalu dalam memberikan kontribusi untuk kami dan indonesia pada ummunya. follow saya @fakhrurradhi

amin terima kasih banyak sudah membaca tulisan dan buku saya... salam hangat...

Merinding saya teh baca tulisan ini
Semoga dimudahkan jalan teh mariska untuk membuat "wadah" yang lebih baik untuk kehidupan
semangaaat terus ya teh 🤗

amin, terima kasih ya... eh, mau ada acara diving besar loh bulan Maret di Jakarta... dateng yuk!

Eh acara apa teh?
Dive and extreme? Apa beda lagi?
Duuuuuh kepengeeenn. Yuk teh, lumayan bisa nabung dulu nih 😁

Saya kurang mengerti bacaan dalam bahasa inggris, tapi saya kagum dengan artikel atau postingan anda...

terima kasih untuk apresiasinya...

Sama-sama ibu @mariska.lubis...
Dukung juga saya sebagai pemula untuk lebih aktif dalam mencari bahan dan bisa memposting hal-hal yang positif di akun saya...

I stand with Steemit and you Mrs @mariska.lubis. I will give an effort as far as I can. I hope your movement can bring an enlightment and a better life for the world and Indonesian people. We can do it! Keep spirit :)

Thank you! We are strong as One, and we all will be the One!

I am also a newbie in steemit. I did yet post many postings in my steemits and since i join steemit, I have much questions regarding set my steemit account. Lucky me, I live in Bandung, meanwhile Iam an Acehnesse. would you mind if I ask you many questions? if so, Which way I can contact you?

Thank you before
and Sorry for asking.

Oh I see... Kirimkan nomor WAmu dan akan saya masukkan ke KSI Chapter Bandung, ada dua dari aceh yang tinggal di Jawa Barat dan masuk group yang sama... @alaikaabdullah dan @citrarahman.

Thank you kak

Ini inspirasi yang luar biasa buat saya sebagai pendatang baru

alhamdulillah... semoga berguna dan bermanfaat.

Bravo, mbak @mariska.lubis
Aku dukung dua-duanya, juga dukung bg @rismanrachman. Klop. Adil. 😁😁😁

Saya malah dukung banget bang @rismanrachman... hahhaa...

Salut....I like this, good job.

You ARE a perfect ambassador mbak @mariska.lubis!! Go, go, go...

We all are perfect ambassador for Steem and Steemit in Indonesia... Go go go!!!

Hebat, luar biasa & keren!

Terima kasih.

Salam kenal kakak @mariska.lubis. Semoga sukses selalu. Tiada langkah yang paling sukses selain bermimpi. Go...!!!

Mimpi bukanlah mimpi bagi semua yang mau berusaha keras mewujudkannya.... Go go go!!!

Postingan bagus.. Kunjungi blog saya juga bg

Terima kasih.

Woow mantap baget saya kagum sama kakak @mariska.lubis, sukses selalu ya, team yang luarbiasa..

Patut dicontohkan, motivasi yang luar biasa buat kami sebagai pemula dalam steemit ini, thanks ibu marika-lubis n abg @aiqabrago.

makasih infonya mbak

salam kenal mbak mariska, aku beruntung bisa ketemu Mabk Mariska saat persemian Steemit Chapter Banda Aceh di Banda Aceh

Sukses terus ya buat kak @mariska.lubis

Salam kenal kakak @mariska.lubis, paparannya sangat kereen. Sukses terus kakak

I am sure the post will be able to motivate anyone who read it, therefore we hope in the upcoming post, @mariska.lubis willing to share the experience of managing the blog so that until famous to the world level is also an idea in writing. Hope to be read.

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