Hello Steemians, I am Dr. Abdul Razak, Sp.PD, I want to be a Steem Ambassador

My 296 days of amazing journey in Steemit
Praise be to GOD, The Lord of the world and the creator of this universe that allowed me to know a true friend of mine; @abduhawab. He gave me one of the most important things in life. I was very happy when he introduced me Steemit and I have been involved deeply so far by making so many contents.
This is my introduction post in Steemit.
I love travelling everywhere in the world and definitely I am blogging about travel. I’ve made many posts on places and foods. I informed all steemians about my activities during travelling I did.
@abduhawab was not only the man who introduced me the steemit but also he sold me some steems he has at the first week I become a steemian on July 27, 2017. He introduced me to one of Indonesian Curators, @Levycore. You must know that my friend @bahagia-arbi and me went to Lhokseumawe every Saturday Night to learn much more about the Steem and Steemit Platform. I bought about 100 Steems from @levycore at the second week of being a steemian. It’s amazing experience of mine in Steemit.
@levycore told me that I have to be an Investor and I bought more than 1000 Steem for powering up in my first month in Steemit that’s why I am really enthusiastic to apply as a Steem Ambassador now.

You can take a look at my statistic during in Steemit below;
Days | Posts | Comments | Reputation | SP |
296 | 306 | 3921 | 63 | 4.450,884 |
I have 4,450,884 Steem Powers right now (not much, indeed) but I use them to curate Steemians of Indonesian Community.
Our first Steemit Writing Workshop at Star Black Coffee Shop Bireuen on 17 November 2017 attended by 70 participants and we invited @hermanrn as an instructor. He did his job very well because he is a famous writer in Indonesia. I invited some senior steemians as well. They are @ayijufridar, @kemal13, @abduhawab, @jodipamungkas, and so on.
The first steemit writing workshop has been our first promotional event I support in Indonesia.

My previous promotional experiences
Becoming a steemit and Steem promoter was what I need to be when I joined this platform. I informed my friends I met and some people around me to join Steemit and I asked for them to invest their money to buu the steems in Steemit. It was amazing when people got my points and then they followed what I was saying about.
I have a lot of promotional experiences during 296 days in Steemit and you can take a look at the following links.
Steemian KSI Chapter Jakarta akan Gelar Kopi Bareng Bersama @dokter-purnama
I stand by @rismanrachman, he deserve to be one of Steem Ambassador
Just landed safely in Bandung menghadiri meetup pertama KSI Chapter Bandung
Pertama diIndonesia, Meetup KSI berlangsung di sebuah Pantai
My story and achievements as a Steem/Steemit promoter
The one I never forgotten since I have been in this platform was I can be an investor. Although I just bought 1000 Steem then powering them up becoming more than 4000 Steem Power now. I always want to promote Steemit for many people and asking for them to do follow the way I have done.
I was a supporter for some steemit promotion and meetup activities in Indonesia. I did sincere supports for them. And these are some of them;
The first steemit writing worshop in Indonesia organized by @bahagia-arbi and the steemian of Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC) on November 2017.
The first meetup of Bireuen Steemit Community on February 2018.
The first national meetup of Indonesian Community in Bandung**
The first meetup of Indonesian Steemit Community Chapter Gayo on March 2018.
The second meetup of Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC) on May 2018.
For me, to spend some money for the activities was really make me happier than I can’t contribute to the promotion events at all.
I have given my full support for @dokter-purnama and @irasiregar to be the investor in Steemit.
I have made some contents related to the issues and you can read in the following posts.
Why I promote Steem / Steemit?
The main reason for the question is I did them sincerely because one of my big dreams is to spread the information on Steem/it for many people in my country and they can earn some money to reduce the poverty rate in Indonesia.
I do believe that Steemit is going to change the way of thinking of many Internet users in Indonesia. The first decentralized platform powered by steem blockchain could be the best way to increase their capability of life.
I just want to share the positive activity for all people in needs. That means the mindset of people must be change from conventional social media they receive nothing to the steem blockchain one that give them big opportunity to earn some money
You will be able to influence some people to do like you did. That is why some of my friends follow what I have done. Some of them gave their opinion about myself. You can find them thru the following posts;

As An Internist, I have tried to make some health professional posts in Steemit. They will be continued at once to include them the works of #steemstem tag in Steemit.
These are some of them.
My reasons want to become a Steem Ambassador
- I am going to bring some investors in Steemit
- I have to show all promoters the best way in promoting steem/it
- Indonesia is a big country and I live in Aceh Province. Sometimes I get to go to other province in Indonesia for my professional tasks or a traveller. As a Steem Ambassador I can play the main rule to meet the promoters or investors and bring them to steemit.
My future Plans as a Steem Ambassador
I have read the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guideline and Promo-Steem community guidelines. Important read for all promoters, and some lessons learned from both of them are;
Steem Ambassador Responsibilities
• I have
• I will
• I shall represent the Steem community and following the guide and I will do my best to uphold the guideline of Steem Ambassador and to create amazing promotional events and activities for the Steem blockchain!
• I am appointed by the community, and therefore serve on behalf of the community.
• I must act as a point of contact in my local area for Steem promotion related work.
• I have to build teams of promoters / ambassadors and networks which facilitate the organization of events and implementation of Steem projects into local economies. to curate (upvoting) at least 35 great quality promo blogs per week on the #promo-steem tag de-activate and do not use auto voting bots on the #promo-steem tag. Manual curation on the promo-steem guild ensures the integrity of the promo-steem community. The Steem Amabssador should follow the @steem-ambassador voting trail on steemauto.com
Promo-steem’s core objectives:
• I will provide a mechanism for rewarding high quality promotion of Steemit and the STEEM blockchain.
• I have to create a community within the community, being the worlds first decentralized promotional network made up entirely of voluntarisms
• I have to support and motivate promoters to not only onboard new users and investors, but to encourage them to stay on the platform.
• I have to work in a way that grows the price of STEEM.
I have the commitment to do #promo-steem works with Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guideline outlined, thank to team of #promo-steem @steem-ambassador project, @starkerz, @anarcotech, @stephenkendal, and @cryptocurator for the opportunity to apply as a Steem Ambassador.
I am happy to become a Steem Ambassador.
Thank you very much for Indonesian curators, @levycore and @aiqabrago.
20 May 2018
During this time you have become @steem-ambassador by doing many things and provide full support for activities @promo-steem in various cities in Indonesia. I support you @razack-pulo.
Thank you very much bg @ayijufridar :)
Powerful application @razack-pulo - all the best with the process. Looks like a very good application and one which has popular support from the community.. best wishes
Thank you @cryptocurator. Hopefully I could do the best for the community.. :)
You are already the steem ambassador, dr. @razack-pulo, based on your activities in promoting the steem and steemit so far! You have been doing such great things in a humble and amazing way!
I wish to see you soon on the list of Indonesian Steem Ambassador, Bang! Looking forward to see you there, ya! Good luck, wishing you all the best!
Thanks a lot kak @alaikaabdullah for your support :)
It's good for best future our countryBelieved 100 % and support you be Steem-Ambassador.Mr. @razack-pulo! We need quality people to do #promo-steem, so a lot people will know Steemit.
Thanks a lot mba @ettydiallova :)
My pleasure Bang😇
I second this application :D
Hahaha.. too early
Anyway, thank you my friend :)
I second this aplication to 😁😁😁
Thank you my friend @jeulamei :)
Welcome Mr. @razack-pulo
Im with you too 😎😍
I second this application
Im standing with you my brother
Thanks a lot bang.. :)
Waaaaaw... Kereeeen wen. Saya dukung 1000000%...
Thank you ween... 😀
Please support
Terua berkembang steem-ambassador di Indonesia.
Semoga team selalu amanah dan terus diberi kesehatan. Bravo promo-steem
Amiiin... karena steem sangat bermanfaat bagi kita semua, asal kita gunakan secara baik dan benar :)
Saya setuju. Semoga kita semua bisa bertahan dalam platform yang sangat unik ini.
Semangat bang.. semoga sukses
Amiiin. Makasih beh 😁
superb mr doctor @razack-pulo i hope your application will be approve soon.
Hopefully :)
Goodluck sir, I wish you success for this.
your activities during this time in steemit is already suitable to be called ambassador.
Goodluck Pak, saya berharap Anda sukses untuk ini. aktivitas Anda selama ini di steemit sudah cocok untuk disebut ambasador
Thank you my friend @saifuddin73 :)
promo-steem tanpa batas, semangat pak dokter @razack-pulo memang tiada dua....lanjutkan pak dok
Siiap. Terima kasih atas dukungannya :)
sama-sama pak dok @razack-pulo
Dalam Steem Ambassador ApplicationCokop bereh perjalanan pk dr @razack-pulo yang telah memperjuangkan
Hehe.. trims atas dukungan @putraabdal :)
Semangat pak dok. Semoga apa yang di ingin kan berhasil.
Amiiin.. makasih beh atas dukungan dan doanya :)
you know Mr @razack-pulo! I have to translate this content so I can read and comment after I translate again.
What an amazing journey you are in steemit. with a friendly attitude and always be a role model for beginners, you deserve to be steem ambassador Indonesia. I really support you @razack-pulo
Hopefully, I could be always like that 😁Thanks a lot for your support, @alokzoom.
lon setuju tat menyoe pak doktor jadi
steem ambassador
Hahaa.. trimong geunaseh bang @azwarrangkuti :)
Sukses selalu pak dokter , salam KSI
Amiiin.. trims ya
Salam KSI :)
sama-sama bang @razack-pulo.
Semoga sukses dokter @razack-pulo menjadi salah satu steem ambassador dan bisa membawa nama harum BSC di dunia Steemit.
Amiiin.. trima kasih atas dukungannya bg @rickygunawan :)
I strongly support @razack-pulo to become one of the team-ambassador members, in order for the future to further develop Steemit, especially Bireuen district. success doctors sir
Thank you @hendrimirza for your support.. hopefully, Steem and steemit growing bigger like a snow ball :)
Semoga di Approv Oleh #team-ambassador dan #promo-steem,.. selamat berjuang semoga sukses, semakin banyak #team-ambassador akan semakin melahirkan konten tulisan yang bagus dan bernilai Tinggi, sehingga akan semakin meningkat nya harga Steem,....Sukses selalu
Amiin. Semoga ya. Trima kasih atas dukungan bg @helmibireuen :)
Semoga sukses
Trima kasih :)
Sama2 bg
Gmana caranya ikutan,saya masih belum mengerti
Good Luck and Always Success For You Dr @razack-pulo..
Keep On... :D
Thank you @zamzamiali :)
Ur welcome Dr @razack-pulo..
I second this application cit :D :D
Trimong geunaseh beh 😁
Saban-saban geunaseh beh :D :D
Good Step! I know you are the right man, mastering many thing about steemit dan its matter.
Low profile, cool and hardworker.
So many good attitude, but too long to explain in this comment. I ll make a post about you! Good luck i sure you will success!
Thanks a lot, @apayek :)
Welcome lah brade!
sebuah perjalanan yang bagus di steemit, semoga sukses lelau sampai sekarang di bulan suci ramadhan, jangan lupa sahur ya bang @razack-pulo
Amiiin... udah sahur tadi hehehe..
Kontes yang sangat bagus pak @razack-pulo, saya yakin anda sangat iklas menulisnya :D
please follow back saya pak
Trims :) saya menulisnya dengan hati hahaha
sukses terus bang..
I second this application
Amiiin.. Makasih yaaa :)
Waaah luar biasa, semoga diterima dan sukses Pak dokter. Saya yakin anda mampu.
Saya juga mendoakan saudara saya inu ikutan mendaftar.
Terima kasih @rastaufik10 😁
Ikutan juga akhirnya... Go go go!
Mengikuti saranmu, kak..
Mohon supportnya ya kakakku :)
Always success for you. Kami semua mendukungmu...
Siiap. Trima kasih bg @albertjester :)
Dear all, @razack-pulo is good my friends. He is very decent as a steem ambassador. I know steemit from him. He learned me anything about steemit. Pls follow him.
Thank you very much, my friend @hermanrn for your support. You are always my best friend.. always
No. I am not best friend. Many people said so that.
Tak banyak orang yang punya semangat juang seperti ini.
Kamu sangat hayeu bang🤘🤘🤘🤘
Hahahaa.. bereh, trims beh...
I second this application 😊
Semoga membuahkan hasil pak dokter 🙏
Amiin. Trims dukungannya :)
Sama-sama pak dokter
Hebat bgt dh c om dokter,, jln2 nya itu loh bikin ga nahan...😊😊
Sukses terus ya om... 👍
Hhahaha. Trims ya
Sm2 om👍👍
Doctor @razack-pulo is deserved to be a steem ambassador. I support you doctor 👨⚕️
Thanks a lot bang @jkfarza :)
Postingan yang luar biasa @razack-pulo!!izinkan saya reestem postingan ini dan jangan lupa follow back ya pak! :)
Trima kasih :)
Kami mendukung @razack-pulo sebagai Ambassador demi kemajuan steemit, steem dan steemians ke depan
Terima kasih atas dukungannya bang @tinmiswary :)
I support and strongly agree if the doctor @razack-pulo become one steem ambasador. good luck doctor.
Thank you @agusscout. Your support is very valuable :)
both doctors. you are entitled to get this support from us because so far you have helped us a lot. good luck pack doctor @razack-pulo.
sepenuhnya dukungan untuk bg razack. sukses terus ya bg razack :)
Trims ya @riezaldi atas supportnya :)
semoga dapat mengemban amanah juga dapat membamgun steemit Indonesia lebih baik lagi
Amiiin... trims ya mba @ranesa70 atas supportnya :)
yup sama2 Bang @razack-pulo
sukses selalu beserta sehat
I second this aplication.
Semoga berjaya pak dr. (pahlawan ksi chapter Bireuen) kalau tidak ada dr mgkin bnyak yg akan tumbang dgn perjuangan nya di steemit ini 😍
Trims ya ima 😁
I double second this application!
Thank you...
I second this application. Saya sangat mendukung bang @razack-pulo 100% karena beliau banyak sekali membantu steemian pemula.
Thank you @sittishabir :)
We need more investors here, so we need you to promote this quality platform to them.
I second this application.
Thank you @jamanfahmi :)
I really support dr. @razack-pulo to be Steem Ambassador.
Thank you @irma27 :)
I second this application
Thank you :)
I support you. I second this application @razack-pulo
Thank you @alfarisi94... :)