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RE: Why Aren't You BEING All Those Things You Say You "Really Want to Do?"

in #ambitions6 years ago

I agree, but oh man this topic is killing me. You can think from now and till the end of your days about who you are or should be. About your aspirations. Your motivation..

To be honest, I find myself much more happy just not thinking too much about it! Follow the path of least resistance and know that it is enough, you are the only judge.

I´ve always wanted to create music, but have just never really started doing it. I could kick myself for being layzy or not being able to prioritize correctly. But in reality if I am able to enjoy the moment and being ok with what I am actually spending my time on, then I would secure happiness.

If you are not able to enjoy most of your days, THEN you need to start doing things differently.

Easier said than done.


Nice to "see" you @ronni and thanks for the comment!

In reading your comment, I realize that I have become somewhat "culturally colored" by my years of living in the USA... and it reminds me that my essential "danishness" is still a little our of step with the core values in this country.

I'm pretty happy with pretty "normal" things... and probably live my life more "in the present" than most people around me, who seem to always be planning for "bigger and better." I have more time to reflect these days because our children are all adult (20's/30's) and living elsewhere.

Enjoying every day? Yes, easier said that done... but something to work towards!