Silverback CEO Adam Aron announced today on Twitter that AMC accepts Doge already for users with a BitPay wallet... albeit only for buying gift cards at this point in time.
Adam Aron put out a poll in September which overwhelmingly showed that apes and movie fans would love to see the company accept Doge, and other crypto's too. The poll had over 4 Million views and over 140,000 votes in favour (over 77% of the total votes cast) of AMC allowing users to pay using Dogecoin.
AMC Accepts DOGE using BitPay Wallet
At the time of writing this article, the link in Adam Aron's tweet (below) does not appear to offer AMC giftcards, which is a shame, but you can buy them on the AMC theatres website. However, we couldn't find an option to pay using BitPay yet, nor could we find BitPay listed in the FAQ's, and so it might be a good idea for the company to fix this before making further announcements.
The news was broadly welcomed by users on Twitter, and AMC crypto payments options does seem to be something that apes would like to see. More as it unfolds....
Posted from Apes.Army : https://www.apes.army/amc-accepts-doge-for-giftcards-with-bitpay-wallet/