Just because we can, Apes Army is now cross posting everything to the HIVE blockchain. This ensures that all the information we present here gets doubly secured forever on the blockchain.
Apes Army on Hive Blockchain: Why we are there
The Apes are the retail investors who are taking a stand against the financial institutions and hedge funds, who have basically been doing all sorts of illegal shenanigans for years, and probably decades.
The Apes, who originally formed on Reddit under the WallStreetBets banner basically dug deep and discovered that Hedge Funds were shorting good companies with solid foundations into oblivion, using a variety of dirty, underhanded and often downright illegal methods.
Apes decided to fight back... by buying up as much available stock as possible, and holding it with the intention of triggering the Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS), and liquidating the hedgies.
Apes Army was a site which was set up with 2 specific goals:
(1) to provide a repository for some of the best DD which appeared on Reddit, because there were (and still are) many concerns about the centralisation of this data and
(2) to make it easier for other apes to find some of the DD by ensuring that we did good SEO on the articles.
The main memestocks
Whilst we are focused on the Ape movement at large, generally we are talking about AMC Entertainment (the movie theatre giant) and GameStop as chiefly the two main stocks. Although we do occasionally go into others, especially some of the crypto memestocks. But ultimately we are mostly about GME and AMC.
Apes Army on HIVE
Apes.ArmyThe intention of cross posting using HIVE is to ensure we have even more coverage and to create a good backup of our backup. We are using the brilliant EXXP app created by @howo and @frederikaa to cross post from
We take virtually no credit for most of the info on our site, and we make this very clear.
That's right. A lot of what we post are perfect unedited reproductions of Redditors DD. We don't endorse any of it, nor is it financial advice. Most of the time, we add a bit to it to ensure good SEO, but for the most part we don't bother.
Occasionally we write some of our own pieces which are penned by Bobo the Chimp, our editor in chief.
If you so choose to support Apes Army on HIVE, please do so. All upvotes will go to maintaining the infrastructure. We aren't in it to make profit (we're already holding AMC and GME stock personally, and we believe it's going to pluto) but it does help in the time before the MOASS to cover some of the costs of the server, so all upvotes are gratefully received with thanks.
FOLLOW US ON HIVE: @apes.army
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Posted from Apes.Army : https://www.apes.army/apes-army-on-hive-blockchain/
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