The 9 to 5 - Jimmy johns and the world of capitalism

in #america7 years ago

Id like to keep this post short.

First of all I am not posting this in an attempt to bash capitalism, I am posting this because i want to share with the world what being an American worker means, or even what being human means.

When I started my first dead end jobs I had no idea that doing summer salts and busting my ass for a mega corp was a bad idea. You see i like the hard worker, I enjoy accomplishing a lot and helping whatever company i am in to ultimately prosper. Fuck socialism or free handouts but i think there's a certain mindset in the economy that is truly sincerely disgusting.


This was the sign i saw today after eating a sandwich at jimmy johns. I am a little further along in life now than working at these kinds of places but hey you gotta start somewhere right? perhaps. When i went in to order my food i saw a few workers standing there, all young kids, all getting paid hourly. It suddenly hit me that these were all very gifted people. They each had great health and great blessings living in a 1st world country and I kinda saw myself when i started at the bottom and it made me upset. These kids should be becoming educated or using their gifts, instead they are wasting away behind a counter under some fat capitalist. As i sat in my car and read the sign I just became disgusted with how these kids were just sitting there rotting away hour by hour in order to pull a check probably less than 800$ per month.

I don't know exactly what the solution is but If i could go back and tell myself one thing at a young age it would be to not have respect or fear for my employer that demands a respect that surely does not pay more than 18 an hour tops. Your life is worth more than slowly rotting away for people like this.
