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RE: Trump's words are making racism seem OK

in #america7 years ago

I am a fan of critical thinking. It takes more than just a seventeen second video, taken out of context, of the president making a joke about Republicans accusing him of being a Muslim to make me believe such a wild and ridiculous claim.


I know many non-Muslim people that say "As-salamu alaykum." It translates to "peace be upon you." It is a traditional Arabic greeting, has nothing to do with religion, and was totally appropriate for Obama to say to a room full of Arabic speaking diplomats.
When he says "I am one of them", he is saying he is an American, not that he is a Muslim. The propagandist is once again using tiny excerpts of a speech, and using it out of context.
Why is this video so chopped up? Why is it so heavily edited? Why is the propagandist that made this afraid to use Obama's statements in their entirety?
It is revealing to see what kind of propaganda the alt-right is putting together to play on your racism and xenophobia these days. It makes me sad that such deceptive material is being fabricated, and that people are too afraid of what they don't understand not to see this heavily edited propaganda for what it is.

just keep telling your self that if it makes you feel any better.

I saw nothing in that video that would make me think Obama was a Muslim. What I did see was a clever and deceptive propaganda piece designed to dog-whistle xenophobic hicks that don't know any better.
Also, worth mentioning, I really don't care what religion my president is, so long as he is competent and represents me on the issues I care about.

How about evaluating Trump by the same standards you use for Obama?

No double standards here. My evaluation of Trump is that he is incompetent, and does not represent my interests, or those of my family and friends. If I saw a chopped up propaganda piece that took clips that were a few seconds long, and edited them to make him say something obviously taken out of context, I would know better than to buy into whatever line the propagandist was trying to sell me on.
Without critical thinking, we end up with a bunch of morons that believe everything they read in supermarket tabloids and see on conspiracy theorist youtube videos.

now replace the word Obama with Trump and what do you have?