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RE: Why pay taxes?

in #america3 years ago

Screenshot (105).png

The article referenced is a bit slanted in the direction it takes but still great info graphic. This is 7 years old now too. So imagine now where the millennials are running the circus and can not even remember 9/11, lets not forget how they abandoned occupy wall street because calling out the central bankers became racist/ anti-Semitic.

I am inching closer to getting to a farm so when the lights go out and the dollar implodes hopefully I will be ok...


That pie graph is terrible, not born as a category...ugg - Never mind people forgetting towers being demolished while people were in it midday....most people have forgotten they have brains or a minds or any ability to critically reason.
I am happy for your plans of farms and food and freedom from the gun money collapse.
Just prepare yourself for the continuation of the sky spraying to black out of the sun and poison of the land by these chemicals. they are daily spraying the sky and this is harming many systems at the moment.
Perhaps you look at LED growing lights....Full spectrum and the other types that are outside of the range of LED lights but mimic the sun.
Best of luck