Как было описано в «Понимании искусства», есть предложение, в котором говорится, что красота - это #искусство, потому что она затрагивает глубину вкуса у человека. Если мы рассмотрим дальше, то мы увидим, как люди не могут быть разделены словом ARTS, #где каждое второе дыхание жизни будет красотой для каждого человека, который его ощущает. Существует очень основное желание, когда красота#становится основным фактором в определении качества жизни. Хотя это невозможно измерить должным образом, но поскольку существует соглашение, которое описывает ценность ценностей красоты, влияет на каждый шаг прогресса.
#Это начинается с создания места, где живут люди. В древние времена, когда основная человеческая потребность в укрытии находилась под влиянием погоды и естественной среды, возможно, не приходило в голову думать о красоте, потому что в то время вещь, которая действительно отражала потребность, заключалась в том, как они пережили плохую погоду и диких животных. С течением времени, когда жизнь начала расти до потребностей, отличных от двух выше, люди стали думать о красоте, которую можно увидеть из формы геометрических фигур и кривых отступов на таких объектах, как ручки ножа и некоторые бытовые приборы.
До тех пор, пока драматические успехи, при #которых формулы математической формулы не могут подражать форме природы в измеримые формы, еще больше требуют красоты, когда царство начинает #проявлять свою силу, красота становится мерой нынешнего уровня общественной жизни.
История искусства начинается с того момента, как люди начинают думать о добавленной ценности своей духовной жизни. Часто есть особый объект, который дает духовную силу, с большой мыслью о красоте, поэтому для его создания требуется особый навык. Разумеется, человек, которому поручено задание, не является неизбирательным, а лицо, назначенное сообществом из-за его привилегий и способности спиритула.
Духовная деятельность является важной деятельностью для человеческой цивилизации, когда они осознают невидимую власть, которая доминирует в их жизни. При всей своей силе сердца, пытаясь прикоснуться к этой власти через церемониальную церемонию духовно, надеясь, что жизнь защищена и станет лучше. Духовно является основной потребностью человека, потому что она касается души, которая использует тело, чтобы управлять жизнью в мире, что означает, что каждая душа в этом мире всегда хочет приблизиться к естественной силе, которая, как считается, дает желаемую жизнь.
As has been described in Understanding Art, there is a sentence that says that beauty is art because it touches the depth of taste in a human being. If we examine further, then we will see how humans can not be separated with the word ARTS where every second breath of life will be a beauty for every human being who feel it. There is a very basic desire where beauty becomes the main factor in determining a quality of life. Although it can not be measured properly, but as there is an agreement that describes the value of beauty values affect every step of the times progress.
It starts with the establishment of a place where people live. In ancient times where the basic human need for shelter was only influenced by the weather and the natural surroundings, it may not have occurred to think of beauty because at that time the thing that really affected the need was how they survived the bad weather and the wild animals. With the passage of time where life began to rise to the needs other than the two above, people began to think of the beauty that can be seen from the form of geometric shapes and indentations curves on objects such as knife handles and some household appliances.
Until the dramatic advances in which mathematical formula formulas can mimic the shape of nature into measurable forms make the need for beauty even more so when a kingdom begins to show its power, beauty becomes the measure of the current level of social life.
The history of art begins from the moment people begin to think of the added value of their spiritually life. There is often a special object that gives spiritual strength is shaped with great thought of beauty, so special skill is required in making it. Of course the person who is given the task of making is not indiscriminate but the person appointed by the community because of its privileges and spiritual abilities.
Spiritual activity is a major activity for human civilization when they are aware of the unseen power that dominates their lives. With all their powers of heart trying to touch that power through the ceremonial ceremony spiritually by hoping life is protected and become better. Spiritually is the basic human need because it touches the soul that uses the body to run the life of the world which means that every soul in this world will always want to get closer to a natural force which is believed to give the desired life.
As in the puppet storyline, each character has a role to complement each other's life arrangement where every character will play its role as perfect as possible so that there is some kind of rule saying that if one character does not exist then life less feels beautiful.
Well if we examine further the meaning of the sentence above it can be said that humans diduniapun always have a role that complement each other may even be a complement to the next life. Some say that man is not human if he has no shortcomings or weaknesses. Very good that expression because it is like we can not deny anymore humans will have various advantages and disadvantages as well as various strengths and weaknesses that will play a role during his life.
But what exactly should life do if we turn out to have opposing conditions, between good and bad, strong and weak? Obviously there is, because we are there to play a role that has been arranged in accordance with the path, which we ourselves never know what exactly the life plan of our role. If there was a human being who could reveal the circumstances that had always been the puzzle of life, then maybe he was an extraordinary figure and perhaps he was a messenger of natural deformity who was very adept in his role as a role-reveler. There is also a kind of doubt that sometimes arises in the human heart when a role is being executed unexpectedly that turns out to be a big question.
When a life begins to move, that's where beauty begins, and when beauty begins to move, senipun start flowing in every human heartbeat and when the heart is filled with the flow of art the meaning of life begins to feel beautiful and when man begins to feel beautiful there is a power rise to meet every indoor niche his soul and every sense occupy his own space without being able to be disturbed by anyone though by another taste.
That's art .......
There is no beauty without change, no change without desire, no desire without ability, no ability without being resurrected and when all desire begins to reveal ourselves kamampuanpun encouraged to be more #passionate so that eventually all together in a#beautiful rhythm of life.
Starting from the desire to create an object that can be the center of the approach of the soul to the forces of nature, every step of man will still want to progress forward and every step of life begins where the art begins its duty to make life a very beautiful and never ending.
As for the presence of recurrent and increasing thinkers, the art of thriving moves the wheels of awareness of the word beauty grows stronger and stronger, until it ends in a CULTURAL word, human civilization begins.
Step by step Culture begins to set foot in a life that will try to keep control of the entire life of the universe and humans become a major player in this cultural drama that eventually arises the difference of viewpoints followed by a variety of life makes the civilization becomes richer and more beautiful, in line with the development of ARTS also increased a variety of understanding. Like when a life begins, then now life begins as if a newborn baby and then has more offspring.
Thus the history of the development of art in the life of this universe and until whenever the understanding of art will continue to grow and diverse, but will remain in one strong path that is #BEAUTIFUL.