COVID-19: He lives in the largest rocky mountains in North America. The wild and dynamic natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains is fantastic. Indeed, America's nature is vast and beautiful. Americans have been living fighting the wild, cruel, beautiful nature of the United States.@roleerob wrote an article titled COVID-19: "Post-COVID World," Losses Mount, and now "Phase Four?"
@roleerob was probably a successful businessman. As I watched his photos of the beauty of the Rocky Mountains , I felt like he was the king of America. He told me that he was not the king of the United States, but that he was an ordinary citizen of America. However, if you have as much land as @roleerob owns, you will be king in Korea. From the point of view of poor Koreans like me, @roleerob, who owns such a vast land, looked like a king.
I first nicknamed @roleerob the King of America, but when I think about it again, I feel like the King of the Rocky Mountains will be more suitable. Often the American symbols are thought of as bald eagles, cougars and grizzly bears, but I liked the elk deer.
The people who created and built the United States were farmers, not cowboys. Cowboys with guns are portrayed as heroes in American western movies, but farmers are actually American heroes. American farmers who always work quietly and diligently felt similar to elk deer. Elk deer are quiet and gentle herbivores, but they are strong enough to adapt to and live in America's heartless nature. American farmers, like elk deer, fight the American cruel nature and serve to produce American food.
I believe that American prosperity and development are due to American agriculture. The dedication and sacrifice of American farmers has shaped modern American prosperity and development. I was amazed at the greatness and production of American agriculture. Food is piled up like a pile of mountains. Looking at American food production, I thought Americans would not die of starvation. I remembered the statistics that Americans are the fattest in the world. Hahaha
However, the king of the Rocky Mountains posted the fact that the corona virus caused the American economy, especially the American farmers, to suffer. The sale of agricultural products in the United States was stopped because of the corona virus. So, American farmers were in financial trouble.
@roleerob wrote a probable article about the economic problems of American farmers. However, American farmers are happy compared to Korea, China, and Japan. Most of China's land is barren deserts and mountains. So, there was always food shortage. China is currently suffering from epidemics and famine. The majority of Chinese suffer from extreme poverty.
I compared the famine in China, looking at the rich food in the United States. I wouldn't starve to death if I became homeless in the United States. Hahaha
Americans will be a little poor now, but Americans will not die of starvation because of the rich food in the United States. However, most Chinese people are still starving. I still think America is heaven.
The difference between the histories and political mechanisms of China and the USA is far more the reason for the success of their farmers than the quality of farmland. Today a political coup is ongoing not only in the USA but globally, and we are facing famine across the world as the Grand Solar Minimum begins to impact growing seasons. Political machinations force farmers to dump milk in the fields, leave crops unharvested, and prevent farm workers from doing their jobs.
I have made comparisons to the genocides by starvation that have been proven in history, such as the Holodomor, and been drawing attention to the nascent decline in solar output that last year halved global harvests.
What has made America appear to you to be paradise no longer applies to America, and that has been governance responsive to it's people. US governors have banned sales of seeds and garden tools to civilians already, and it is imperative that people grasp that food insecurity is being created through the mechanisms I have shown on my blog to be acting on American agriculture today.
During the Holodomor the Bolsheviks took the food stores of Ukrainian civilians, and prevented them from growing food. ~Ten million people starved to death in ~two years, and the exact same process is being undertaken TODAY in America, as food is composted, and people are being prevented from gardening in thousands of different ways, now including state governments banning seed and implement sales to civilians.
Too many do not carefully consider factual information that isn't pushed by media sources owned by the same investors that own financial institutions, and simply trust government and industry, because we are indoctrinated from birth through public school to just regurgitate what authorities repeat without critically considering it. Common Core pushes utterly false math to be taught to children in the USA today, in which simple calculations don't have one right answer, but multiple answers the teachers say can be right.
This breaks the ability of people to reason. This is why so many Americans seem to be complete idiots. They have been taught to have no capacity for logic, no experience with factual information, and misled to believe that 2+2=5.
If you folks reading this remain able to consider factual information and come to reasonable conclusions, examine the facts of food being dumped rather than provided for sale, seed sales to civilians - regardless of political theories and propaganda as to why - being banned by government, and the fact that in 2019 harvests of staple crops in the USA were half what they were in 2018, and the silence of your media sources on these facts, and act to make sure you will not be able to be prevented from eating good food.
@silvergrifin007, a global takeover of national governments is ongoing today, and all nations are going to be ruled by the same policies as China. Every people will live in what might as well be barren wasteland, because political control to prevent farmers from producing food makes the best farmland desert.
China's population is too large for food and resources, resulting in famine, epidemics, and war, leading to population decline.
The proportion of arable land in China's territory is about 10 percent. On the other hand, American farmland is seven times larger and fertile than China. The United States has a much richer natural environment than China.
I knew it for the first time. Thanks for your kind answer.