Amanita Adventure

Another Amanita post!

This morning was a little rough...

So, I am constantly drying these mushrooms right now and I have a whole operation going. That process I will save for a different post though, and I will skip that for now!


Tomorrow, I am having surgery and I will be out of the game for a few days so I wanted to get in one last harvest before I am bedridden for a little while.

After I got all the kids into kindergarten this morning around 8 o'clock I set out to two separate and new spots to search for mushrooms. The area is still in the same forest I usually go to but I just feel bad taking them from the same patch time and time again.

One hour of searching and nothing.

The dog is with me and he is worn out so I decide to head back to the van and return to my normal spot really quick and grab a few on the way home. Can't go home empty-handed right?

Once back at the van I realize my phone is gone. I turn the van on, nope no Bluetooth connection. I think...

Well, I used it to take a picture about half an hour ago so I know I had it in the woods, ah crap! I return to the place where I took the picture and retrace my steps, it takes about a half-hour nothing...

The dog is now dead and I really don’t want to carry my 50-pound friend back to the van so I call it quits.


Wait a minute! I have an iPad at home, I can use the locate my phone app! Hurray! I know pretty much where I was so the iPad can show me a general vicinity I can narrow my search.

Drive all the way home, fire up the iPad, yup there it is right near the river I must have lost it when I stopped to take a piss.

Put the dog away and head back out. Trudge my way through the woods and look up at the sky and see rain is coming! Faster now I get out there and after 10 minutes or so I find it laying on the side of a hill. Yes!

So, I have my phone but no mushrooms. What an adventure, but the morning is now gone and I have to get home to prepare to pick up the kids from kindergarten.


Kids and I are home now playing and I am drying mushrooms and making a new batch of Amanita ambrosia (current one is off, again that’s for another post), and I get a message from my mother-in-law.

Look what she found at work in the parking lot!



I finish the ambrosia I am making and load the kids up back into the van and fly out there, it’s a two-minute drive! I get there and they are the largest, prettiest, most amazing mushrooms I have ever seen!


Jumping out of the Van, I snap a quick picture and stand in awe for a second. I am downtown though and people are out and about and here I come to harvest these “poisonous” mushrooms!


Quickly I gathered them up and thought to myself, “these are so big, how am I going to do this?”

Turned out to be a great day!



What an incredible find. I'm sure you'll make sure to properly "dispose" of those little toadstools. :) Here's to hoping you get better soon!

Hhaha that I did! Thank you very much!

Posted using Partiko iOS

HOLY BALLS!!!!! Those are gorgeous! One hell of a find in the middle of town! I need to find patches like that here!

Nice to have spies keeping a lookout for you in the local area.

I know! At first, everyone was all freaked out about wild mushrooms now they are always like hey man I saw some mushrooms over here! I never would have imagined to find them there, and guess what she works at a kindergarten 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

WHAT??? LOL! That is damned funny! You are just doing your part in making the area safe for the kids to walk and play in. wink wink nudge nudge.

Wow so many grow in your area.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is so cool!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The couple of shots under the boiling pot look almost plastic they are so shiny.

Posted using Partiko Android

hey, I missed your post (maybe you can use a #fungifriday tag, as well? it definitely will not get lost then! )))

your amanitas are so cool... they look so teasing (you photo them right at the streets of your city?!!) that I simply jealous... envy... I want something the same happened to me too.

well, of course, I have Coprinuses here...

Those mushrooms are really cool as well! I could have used the tag but I posted this on Thursday, 🤣🤣 aren't these guys so cool! Thanks for the comment.

Posted using Partiko iOS

its a pity that this year I am having a dedicated macro lens -- but havent met amanitas not a single time :/ well, maybe next year!

Wow what a day sir badger! Thank goodness you had the Ipad to use for your phone. Those mushrooms are gorgeous.
hey what is Amanita ambrosia?