Death of the Ego

Welcome to fall, everyone!

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere you are experiencing one of the most powerful natural events on the earth. The world around us is dying and the power of this experience has thinned the veil between life and death; therefore, during this time we are more intuned with the dead.

Mother Nature is preparing for her winter slumber and we most not forget that we are also a part of mother nature. Deep down inside each one of us, we can sense this powerful transformation.


This is a time where, consciously or unconsciously, we can experience death while alive. Death is the ultimate human experience, one so profound that if we survive death our life is forever changed. This idea has me reminiscing about my own experience with death.

I have experienced death twice in my lifetime. I mean to say that I have died twice, my ego died.

But how can one experience death twice and still be alive to tell about it?

The experience of death while alive is the death of your ego. This death can only occur when you yourself are 1000% percent convinced that you are physically going to die. You have accepted your own death and therefore every shred of fear in the living world has vanished from your consciousness. You become one with everything around you-you are in essence enlightened.

Once you go through the process of dying and then returning to the world of the living, you become the most powerful force on earth, you become pure love. Unfortunately, like all human experiences, this moment of extreme bliss is only a fleeting one and this can have devastating effects on one’s psyche.

The First Time That I Died


At sixteen years old I was a walking scum bag. Stealing, dealing, doing, running from the police, being caught by the police, fighting everyone, I was filled with hate and discontent.

One day my drug dealer offered me a new product to sell, it was something I had never thought about doing and had no interest in doing prior to that, but once he showed me what was in the brown paper bag I immediately said yes. It was magic mushrooms.

That first night I tried them myself, and I was given a magical gift of clarity that I had long forgotten from my childhood. A slice of pureness of life that rekindles the spark of creation that you are born with. I was overjoyed. No longer was I a drug dealer trying to make money, I felt personally that I was selling enlightenment (even though I had no idea what that was) and not drugs.

My friends were my first client's and together we explored a whole new world of secrets untold for countless generations, secrets of the unseen world around us. We didn't know it then, but we were walking on a path to become more connected to living in the moment, no longer detached from life.

One warm day that summer I was 16, my friends and I gathered together to do a heroic dose and have a huge trip. I'm not going to do an entire trip report here, but I was about to experience my first (and last) bad trip.

The animalistic instinct of fear began to kick in shortly after consuming far too many mushrooms and I begged my girlfriend to drive me home to where I thought it was safe. She agreed only that she would be dropping me off because she didn’t want to see my parents while she was tripping on mushrooms. I can’t believe she was operating a vehicle, but I will say she only had a few and was handling it a lot better than I was.

When I got home, I went inside and my mother was sitting down to coffe with a group of her friends. I was petrified. I had to pass through the kitchen, by her friends, in order to reach my room.

I ran up to my room as fast as I could without making any eye contact and curled up into a tiny ball on my bed, more scared than I have ever been in my entire life. My bedroom was filled with all of my worst nightmares and at the peak of terror, I realized that I was soon to be dead. In my mind the only possible outcome of this event was my death. I was quite literally scared to death.

Then the moment came that I succumbed to my premature fate and that is exactly when I was hit with a beam of clarity. My drug dealer told me that if I was ever having a bad trip to never be alone (too late) and to right away go and make yourself puke.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. The toilet was alive and growing out of the floor with teeth on the inside of the toilet seat and the waters were swirling and mixing together with greyscale colors. Facing my fear I stuck my fingers down my throat and began to vomit.

I immediately began to feel a sense of calm rushing over me. I started to laugh historically at the thought of myself dying and I felt as if I had been reborn. I crossed over to the underworld and emerged more alive than ever. I felt something new, I felt joy. I was happy to be alive.

By the time this all had ended my mother’s guests had left and she was down stairs alone. I ran to her with tears of joy running down my face and told her that I love her and I’m sorry for who I was and not to worry that it is all over now.


She was confused but didn’t ask any questions and only embraced me.

From that day on, I was a new young man. I got cleaned up and stayed out of trouble, my grades improved, my bedroom stayed clean, and two days after my 17th birthday I joined the Army. Little did I know l, this is where I would die a second time. Only this time, without the aid of psychedelic mushrooms.

To be continued...

All photos and writings are mine.



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You kind of passed through a similar experience to the one of Ramana Maharishi when he attained enlightenment. He didn't used mushrooms though... but at least you have a glimpse of what the sages are talking about. I've had friends talking about experiencing mushrooms but never was attracted to that. I am hardcore when it comes to spirituality and I consider that the ultimate realization of one's soul doesn't depend on any drug or something similar. You might get a glimpse of it, as you did, using some drugs or going through some experiences. I also believe that if we would accept everything that happens in life the way you accepted death life would be way better and more peaceful on earth and we would be a planet of sages. Instead we are one of living zombies addicted to all sort of nonsense.

I couldn’t agree more! Take every moment and accept it. We live by pure avoidance and have degredated ourselves to a low form of life. When I experienced this this second time it was without any drugs. Was way more powerful. But what goes up must come down. This happens to me 12 years ago and I still haven’t recovered. I will make another post about that sometime in the future. When you get a glimpses of this you spend your whole life searching for it. But I think the lesson is that is all about the journey! So cool to hear that your into that. Gives me hope for humanity!

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There are plenty of us around the world :))

Thanks for sharing this very interesting story about your deeper self. I actually believe that we die various times in our lives, whenever we go through powerful transformation. But in your case it seems like the experience was marked by the fear of actual death. Good to hear that you came out with a stronger love for life. I'm curious to read about your second experience.

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Yeah, I guess you could say that. Kind of like when someone we love dies a part of us dies with them. Or when we witness a traumatic event some of our innocence dies. A very interesting topic to think about but that’s why we are here to find a little bit out about ourselves! Thanks for the comment!

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The power and intensity of the solo experience makes it more meaningful in a way but just think about if this had been a guided experience. We need shamans again, the ones who can guide those experiences to help assuage the fear and direct the intent a bit more clearly.

I am always interested to hear about people's psychedelic experiences. They are all sooooo variable and I am especially curious about the mechanisms of the "bad" trip as I have never had one. I have had SUPER intense experiences, but nothing I would classify as bad.

This was by far the worst! Such a weird earthly feeling dark and damp. Started out with beautiful colors and brightness and crashed to dark black and white... so crazy. I have really considered looking into shamanism, with my experiences and I have a lot of experience with runes. But I know that is not something one can just pick up on their own. You need a dedicated teacher and I don’t think family man and shaman belong on the same resume lol.

Some of my favorite psychedelic experiences are the matrix effect. Really cool!

I think shaman is perfect on the resume. Means much more compassion and understanding. Who wouldn't want that type of person in their work force? 😆

Funny, I have been into runes for 30 years and have a a number of runes tattooed.Never learned divining or anything, just basic understanding, but my kids names are runic.

My all time most intensely incredible favorite is 5-meo-dmt.

Dmt takes you to its world, 5-meo takes you within

HOLY SHIT is that adage true.

That is awesome! I think we are kindred spirits! Hahaha! I have never tried DMT before and I know nothing about it. I have just seen a few people mention it in mushroom blogs. Glad we met on here man!

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Totally kindred spirits! My oldest is in kindergarten as well.

I would HIGHLY recommend DMT: The Spirit Molecule as a really good read. It's a solid step down the rabbit hole. Good reading while laid up convalescing.

Hope your surgery goes well!

I will drink a little extra tea and dive right in! Thanks you very much!

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