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RE: Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 31

Hahahahha, I mean, it's still very true... and exactly the way I feel being here in the US... but yeah, I was mainly being inspirational just to demonstrate how lazy and sore I really was on Friday night.

I'm actually going to start the meditation today. I've never actually meditated before, and I'm a bit curious and nervous about it (which I know is ridiculous) so I'll just stick with the 15 minutes... an hour seems really daunting at this point.

I am totally okay with having the occasional unscheduled rest day. I'm still very much working out the load my body can handle in regards to the tendonitis... and ideally I'll push it enough to get stronger but not enough to get sore. Lots of people believe that rest days are where the body recovers and gets stronger... I'm not 100% convinced on that, but I'll take the resting over pushing myself to injury any day.

Thanks SG, love this comment so much! Really appreciate the smarts you bring over here.