Day 27
Okay, okay, still a couple of days behind... but I'll use all my muscles to catch up!
Won't be a problem, because I was so sore... So so very sore.
All the muscles were crying out because I smashed them on Day 25 and then using all of the Muscles 'o Sore for skill development on Day 26 just meant that Day 27 was an absolute mess.
So... I did lots of cardio, lots of Jacuzzi, some slacklining and basically anything that didn't require me to use my arms for anything.
Lots of this:

and some of trying to get this to work (because it was so cold I couldn't have used the scaffolding even if I wanted to):

I've never even seen a pellet fire thingo before, let alone used one... I think people leave them on forever during winter... but it goes through a bag of pellets every 24 hours so not sure I'm really going to get into it... and I had to keep checking it every few hours... but man, it does punch out some serious heat when it gets going.
Then it was too hot to exercise in.
Today's exercises
Jump rope, Cross Trainer, Abs, Slackline... it was very much a recovery day.
Injuries & sore spots
Everything was super sore. My body wanted a divorce.
Goals for December
Get back on track to all my tendonitis exercises (pretty good)
Beat that last rung on the double salmon ladder (completed)
Get the 14 foot warped wall (completed)
Images provided by Google Image Search of 'Australian Ninja Warrior' and my phone.

steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn
did you try cinnamon powder to help with the soreness? did it help?
Oh man... I completely forgot all about this. I've been taking turmeric. I wonder if there are cinnamon tablets I could take. I don't really eat any foods I could add cinnamon to... it's all veggies and meat.
i think you can put it in milk
Nice work there mate. Keep at it that pellet burner looks pretty toasty.
Congrats on completing the salmon ladder!
Thanks dude! Honestly, it very nearly defeated me but I was so rapt when I got it... it definitely felt the best than it ever has... but I'll have to keep at it.
That pellet burner was so high maintenance... I could never get the feed just right so it would either overflow and try and burn everything down... or there wouldn't be enough and it would die out. I ended up turning it off because I just couldn't be bothered with it... I'll crank it back up when it gets real cold I reckon.
so awesome! Keep up the good work! Still working on my slackline skills!
Thank you! I'm lucky to have a spot I can just permanently have a slackline set up.. but I still need to spend way more time on it... it is amazing how quickly you progress when you get to play every day.
hehe slackline!!! I tried it once, and it was fun but I haven't gotten to do it again.. have you been by to the acro class yet adam??
Well, my young friend, you see, ah, well, the thing is, that ah, I haven't no. It's been Christmas and New Years and my routine has been all over the shop... but I'm super keen to get onto it and it's defs going to be a January goal. Just you wait and see! I mean Jess you wait and see!
It is so hard to imagine it actually being cold anywhere. Our heater went out and the coldest it gets in our house is maybe like 69, so we haven't really even bothered to fix it yet. Our average highs have been in the 70s and nighttime temps only dip into the high 40s. I know a lot of places are in the negatives and I can't even imagine it haha. I am definitely a desert girl! Good on you for trekking through. The cold can definitely make you hibernate, so you're doing really well!
So, I think you might be in the tiny minority there young lady... the vast majority of your country is snowing around every winter. We wake up to 30s each morning... and that is not exciting to get out of bed from. I think I'd struggle with the desert though... I'm super warm blooded and just get so tired when it's hot. Whereas Winter time, I was doing ab crunches just before to warm myself up. I'm wearing gloves this every second.
Thank you... I'm trying to be a good ninja guy.
You go man, keep up the progress ya crazyaussieninja
Thanks Double D! Gotta keep smashing it!
It's amazing how you continue to do the training in spite of all those sore muscles yelling at you to stop.
Of all the exercises you mentioned, I think I would prefer to do only the jacuzzi part.
Hahaha, I've still got an hour and half of work and all I can think of is the Jacuzzi at the moment. My legs are so sore and it's going to feel so good.
Good luck with it! Looks promising!
Thanks @magicmonk!
You are definitely a role model! CONGRATS!!!
Thank you my new friend! I really just like setting myself big goals... it's the best way to make me work hard!
amazing job @ausssieninja keep it up. nice share
Thank you very much @kamchore! I will... I promise!
Go Aussie Go.. so when can I expect to see you on television?
Expect is a strong word... but if everything goes my way you can expect to see me on TV in June... I'll do a post on it actually... lots of math for you to dissect.
Sweet, I'm all about it.. I'll sit here and be like hey I kinda know that guy...:)
You do have days off planned in your training schedule right? RIGHT?! XD
Yay for beating the salmon ladder :D
I used to have rest days scheduled... in fact I had 3 a week. Wednesday and the weekend... but I hated it... there is way too much for me to do in terms of skills development, so now I've carefully programmed so that different body parts get a rest.
Since I'm not lifting super heavy weights... everything I do is bodyweight, I'm not too worried about making sure my central nervous system has some down time... and I stretch afterwards. So far I've been okay.
Thank you! So excited!
I am scowling very hard at you right now >_<
So hard my face might flip inside out XD
You probably know what you're doing but I'm still going to sit here and be worried about muscle and adrenal fatigue XD
Hahahaha, I thought you might be.
Given that I'm an old guy, I'm definitely way more cautious than everyone around me. I'm super concerned about injury and will totally bail on everything if I'm not feeling up to it. I have had to put up training posts where I'm all 'too tired, didn't do nothin', here are some gifs'.
So please don't worry about this little ninja goat, he's all about the self-preservation. I'm actually the least injured I've been in the last 10 years.
Need some January goals dude! Keep at it, slack lining is such a good one for the balance obstacles - those are always the most intimidating for me as is always feels like there's a that bit of luck involved!
Oh, I've got them... I've just got to catch up on my posts... man, the slightest little change in my routine and the whole Steem thing falls apart. If I put in a huge effort tonight I'll be back on track.
I went out in the semi-finals of AusNW because of the stupid spinning log. I was heaps confident about the following two obstacles at least. I was so annoyed with myself... but yeah, it's totally luck. The spinning log didn't claim anyone in the first 25... then they took a break to change over the audience... suddenly every 3rd person falls victim... but again, there's an element of luck there too.
Haha looking forward to reading them dude!
Ah man, I feel your pain! In the NWUK Finals the paddle boards took out 12 of us (There were only 15 in the final!!) We just kept seeing people go down and it puts you off big time. Once you see some of the crazy parcour guys bail on it, it doesn't exactly help the old confidence! Although the producers did later admit they set the bloody thing up wrong and won't be bringing it back! Not got space for a slackline at my house so I have to wait for the good weather to get it set up in the park!
Hey dude... I know this is an odd thing to ask... but can you put some thought into a January goal for me (I know it's hard because you don't know what I can do and what I've got access to) but I've love to put your name alongside my Jan goals each day...
Course man, although I'm not sure I can give you much that's new! How are you on the pegboard? Also what's your deadhang time? I guess figure 4 circuits on the pegboard and/or a two minute deadhang would be the first ones, although if you can do them already we may need to shift the benchmarks!
OMG, deadhangs are the worst! I should be good at them but I just totally struggle. It's got to be the biggest mental game out there. I'm good for 40-90 seconds at this point... but I'm already measuring dead hangs on my Monday posts.
The pegboard is a great idea. There is one at a parkour place in Portland that I've never tried because it looks terrifying... so that's a perfect goal for me! Thanks heaps!!
Ah nice, good hangtime, must have missed that on Monday!
Pegboard is great for working on lock offs, if you can get the figure 4 technique down it can genuinely help in a jam even though it doesn't look like it!
Hey, also... you may have noticed your big payouts come from the curie account. Here are the guidelines. If you've got heaps of content to come, completely ignore this... but you can't get a curie upvote if you've made $25 on another post in the last 7 days... so maybe space out your really great posts (or go for broke and build up an amazing followship)... just thought I'd like you in case you were wondering why some posts go big and others don't.
Thanks man, I have noticed their guidelines before, thing is I don't want to just do posts on the chance that they'll upvote me. I might wait a week then get no upvote from them anyway! At least by posting regularly I'm building a good followship like you said :) Hopefully anyway!! It is frustrating when you work on a 3000 word post like the one I did yesterday and meanwhile some dude with a 70 rep can post a photo of some baked beans and start trending! I guess that's the same with any platform though! Good job I'm already hooked on this place!
Awesome! I just wanted to let you know in case you were wondering why one excellent post makes a trillion dollars and another doesn't. There are a heap of factors that might count out an otherwise amazing post... but it sounds like you're pretty on top of it and got your head in the right place! Keep producing your amazing posts dude, you're one of the most exciting Steempeeps goin' round.
Really appreciate the heads up dude, it's such a toss up, on the one hand their upvotes make such a difference in terms of followers etc, but then again I'm happy just to push good content out and hopefully people take notice! Glad to hear I'm on the right track anyway :)