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RE: When Sport and Cryptocurrency Collide

I like your thinking!

My feeling is that amount, and dare I say quality of content would need to rise before I would feel comfortable in broadcasting this (or any of the other ) tribe out to the masses. Or I could be looking at the wrong way around and maybe an influx of new viewers and creators would make this happen.

It's a nice thought, I wonder if any of the tribe leaders are thinking along these lines @patrickulrich


Completely agree in terms of content quality.

One of the issues we had/have with Scorum is that there simply weren't enough people creating content that was of a decent level. Some of it was due to people trying to trick the system with plagiarism, others created posts that were just rehashed news articles that would never be found, others were posting in very broken English on the EN domain, and others were clearly just there to earn as much SCR as they could.

Something that has impressed me about Sportstalksocial so far, however, is that there is already a much larger pool of content creators and I can only see this growing.

Ahh, Scorum, I did take a look around last year and have an account not doing much. Is that one a goner then?

There are plenty of people lurking on Steem at present, and with a push in price many will return. I'm not sure these people are the ideal people we want, but I'm sure at least some of them will be able to kick out some decent content.

I wouldn't say it's a goner just yet but things aren't looking good. The thing that made Scorum have so much potential was the 0% commission betting exchange. Sadly, the developers didn't deliver on promises so there was only one sport added to it and there is no obvious scheduled update for this. Communication is rare and tends to be along the lined of "...but the bear market".

Without a fully functioning betting exchange, it's just a smalltime rip-off of Steemit as far as I'm concerned. There is absolutely no requirement to purchase SCR because you don't need it for anything and can easily earn the same amount by posting a few decent blog posts.

It feels different here though. Like you say, lots of lurkers who would likely return and I feel that there is a lot of potential here for growth.

Right-o, I'll not be too worried about not making it back over there for a while then.

I'm confident of an upswing in the markets and for Steem, the fundamentals seem much stronger here than in the past. I'm stocking up whilst we wait.

Ditto, let's hope for the best!