Well, even if everyone on earth is telling me it's a good idea to be ignorant, I will still not be convinced.
But I will not sire a child onto a doomed planet. The problem I believe is that more children are being born than can possibly be educated in a system so complex. So the people who are at the top are like 'well if you want to have x number of babies a year well then in order for us to manage all of that, the best way is for you all to be ignorant sheep'
I reject that. The promise of the internet was that everyone could access the information to educate themselves, not that everyone could access anti-information to make them more ignorant.
Even I am the last one writing rational and reasonable posts on the internet, and believe me this is how it feels almost all of the time, then I am going to do it.
Ignorance is not strength, freedom is not slavery, war is not peace.
Courage is the virtue that makes all the others possible.