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RE: Understanding What We Can't See - Conspiracy, "Debunking", and Absence of Evidence - Part One

in #analysis8 years ago

I'm not sure quite how to approach this...I think you just called me crazy. Let me begin with, I'm not approaching this as an academic or an attorney...this is just a social media network where people express their opinions. I'm not sure what kakistocracy has to do with Pizzagate except to say that pedophiles are bad people. James Corbett apparently sees a link. He's a really smart man...I'm not! I look at myself as the Forrest Gump of Pizzagate. I find information and report what I find. People can do with it as they will. Something is going on- I'm not sure what. I'm going to do an article on what I think. Something is happening to the children. The Franklin scandal uncovered pedophilia in Washington and I have no reason to believe it's gone away, especially in light of Pizzagate. Two people came forward in Franklin. One recanted when threatened with jail. The other (a woman) went to prison and is still there as far as I know...apparently doing life on a perjury charge, she's been there since the 90's. I hope she's out. Anyway, I'm not sure what's going on, I've said that many times. But, I am sure that something's going on and just because I can't find irrefutable proof as yet, doesn't mean there's nothing there.


think you just called me crazy

damn thats the opposite of what I'm saying.

I am making the case that we should not dismiss things that we cant prove; only things that we prove to be untrue, or to provide a high probabilty of untruth.

sorry I didnt make a clearer case

LOL!!! Like I said...when you write for me, think Forrest Gump!

LOL Crok told me the same thing some time ago.

I write for me, I guess...and I'm glad when other folks like it, but I am one writative sumbitch

Me too...Wait till you see what I'm working on now...Talk about faith and lack of evidence!