Thank you. This was one of too few assessments that adhered to a logical assessment of numerical data without venturing into arcane tea-leaf-reading. Too often analysts offer mere conjectures reflecting their underlying biased interpretations to current/future events. That may make for entertaining reading, but it offers no solid analytical assessment upon which to make a market decision. Your, "Nothin' but the facts, Ma'am." assessment constructed upon a framework of reliable data helps clarify rather than complicate.
One would think the charts would take historical market manipulation into account - that post-1913 the same tools have obfuscated the real market price of metals. Your assessment provides a frame upon which I can hang my own bias: with so many balls in the air, The Juggler(s) is almost certain to miss a catch and the act will unravel. So, it looks that metals, even without actual price discovery, are about the safest leaky boats on the waters.
Cheers tasmansee, i appreciate that. I did, however read your comment with the voice of Eugene from The Walking Dead vibrating and resonating throughout my auditory cortex. I also learnt a new word during this process. Thanks!
Haha..Nice one WVM. Tip of the hat to ya sir.
I'll pay that!
The tip or the hat?
Your spot-on Tip about not being an arsehat! The vid was icing. Cheers