...and when I say: try, I mean that I'm going to do it!
OK, that makes no sense, or does it? I think I have to explain myself a bit better.
When I first joined Steemit (ALL the way back in June of last year, lol) I had NO IDEA that it would change my life so drastically. I don't think anyone on the platform would have thought that when they first started out.
Now, I am not a whale, or even a dolphin, heck I'm not even a minnow yet, I'm still a tiny little red-fish.
Source: pixabay.com
There are Steemians who started in the same month, and grew much bigger in this time than I did, but that's OK. I will get there eventually. I'm sure of it.
I have a family and household to run, a freelance job and all kinds of side activities (mostly Steemit/Crypto related) and even though I do spend a whole lot of time here, I just can't commit to spending more hours here (yet).
I did enjoy the perks of leasing SP for about 6 weeks, but now those orders don't seem to be filled anymore, so I'll have to live with the little SP that I have (of which I even delegated half lol).
Anyways, I'm trailing off subject a bit.
Not long after I joined I decided to go to Steemfest in Lisbon and I did.
I paid for this purely with cryptocurrency and Steemit income even though I hadn't been in the game for very long yet.
It was a $70,- of SBD investment into a few other coins that eventually made me the biggest chunk for the trip. It was amazing! And the trip was more than worth it. Amazing people and an amazing experience.
@DollarVigilante aka @JeffBerwick and Anarchapulco
I was following Jeff for some time. He is one of the reasons why I'm on Steemit. I found the platform by 'accident' because I was researching the coin, and then there was one of his videos that I had missed earlier and his message was clear: Get your butt on Steemit!
Not long after I knew I was going to Steemfest, I heard about Anarchapulco. You can read all about it here:
It seemed very interesting but at the time, I could only dream of actually going. The price for the flights and stay would be crazy and it was a crazy dream, scary even. But then in the back of my mind I hear Connor McGregor speak:
"If your dreams don't scare you, you're not dreaming big enough."
So I'm going to dream bigger.
Source: twitter.com/conormcgregor5
The plan was not to compete with Anarchapulco, but rather be an addition so to speak.
Not long after my return to Ireland, I read a post by @lily-da-vine about plans to 'fork' Anarchapulco...
See the website here: http://anarchaforko.com and find the tag here on Steemit to read some updates.
I loved the idea and I have great respect for the people behind it, including @lily-da-vine. Now, it would be a dream to go to Anarchapulco, but why not catch two birds with one stone? I mean, it's not like I'm going to Mexico every day.
I was excited about Anarchapulco, but I'm probably even more excited about this.
First of all, there will be Steemians at both events. Great, awesome Steemians. That alone would be worth the travel!
At Anarchapulco there will be speakers like Ron Paul, Larken Rose (yay!), Adam Kokesh, Dan Larimer (yup), Dayna Martin (I'm a fan!) and so many more and there is a bootcamp I would like to attend.
So it will be awesome.
But at Anarchaforko, we are all encouraged to participate. There will be no speakers lined up, but it will be more of a flowing event. I love the idea and I love that I get to spend more time with more amazing people.
Source: wikipedia
My first 'offerings'
At first I had no idea what I could contribute to Anarchaforko. I thought about it and thinking never really gets me very far when it comes to inspiration. Then, a few days ago it hit me.
Of course there is something!
I'm a hypnotherapist for Pete's sake...What is there to think about?
I can definitely do something with that.
Besides this, I practice and have been working with Ho'oponopono and for some this might seem 'out there' but I am quite certain that it brought me where I am today. Here on Steemit for instance.
So, just throwing it in there: there is definitely something to contribute. I haven't exactly figured out what to do with it yet, but that will come. I'm sure of it.
And besides this, I work freelance as a writer, so I'd say there will be enough to write about for that so it's not two birds, but three birds with one stone.
How do you like them apples?
I like!
Not one, not two or three but FOUR birds...
To most of the people who know me here and in person, it will come to no surprise when I say that I am looking for other places as an option to relocate to with my family.
I've been through some trials and tribulations here in Ireland lately (and it wasn't the first time) and to be honest: I've had enough. Now, I am not saying that I'm packing up everything and leave right away, but I like to expand my horizon a bit and see what's out there other than this.
Believe me, there is still a lot of work to be done here in Ireland and I am not just going to abandon my plans here, but it's good to look ahead a bit I think.
Five birds?? Man, this woman has completely lost it!
Another thing that came to mind is this: It will be an amazing (learning) experience for me and the kids to go to a place so much different than what they are used to. Yes, I am going to bring them. We'll be going for three weeks, as I think it would be a waste of money to only go for a week or so. If we go, we might as well make the best of it don't you think?
And besides, we'll be able to do some promotion for Steemit too while we're at it. This will be awesome!
Source: pixabay.com
The hurdles
Yes, of course, this plan has many holes and hurdles.
First of all: money. I know, I made it to Steemfest, but that was nothing compared to this.
The cost, even low budget, is pretty steep.
Of course, the main hurdle will be the flights. After that, I am not too worried.
Accommodation should not be the issue either, and food is cheaper than here so I am not worried about that either.
So I have to work on financing the whole trip.
I am in the same 'hole' as before with Steemfest. I own cryptocurrency but it's all pretty much tied up and for most coins it's not the right time to sell and some I don't want to sell.
So I have to make some choices, hoping that something will come up soon like it did with Steemfest (I booked the tickets a week before we left!).
Since I don't have the answer now, I am throwing it out into the universe and know that the answer will come.
So there you have it. It's out there.
Source: pixabay.com
I know there's no need to justify myself to anyone. Especially here.
However, I always feel the need to justify things to myself.
So here we go:
I think it is completely justified to spend such an amount of money for a trip like that for the following reasons:
- I will be 'working' (writing) while I'm there, so some of the funds will come back to me.
- We'll be promoting Steemit while in Mexico, so we will be contributing to the platform.
- It will be an enlightening and amazing, once-in-a-lifetime (or two or three if things work out as planned lol) experience and there will be the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing people one could ever meet.
That's it. That's all I have. For now...
I would love to hear your input on this. What do you think? Could I do the impossible and make it there or have I completely lost my mind? Whatever it is, I can handle it.
If you made it this far: thank you for reading. I will keep you updated.
Love & Peace
Wow, this sounds awesome! You'll have an amazing time, I'm sure :-)
Maybe next year I should go there as well. I will definitely follow your stories about it influencing my decision ;-)
Haha, yes, I think this will definitely be something to write/report about. Unfortunately I just heard that the main event of Anarchapulco is sold out....So unless someone has a spare ticket, I won't be going to that (although there are workshops I'd like to go to that are separate) but Anarchaforko sounds absolutely amazing too. Pretty sure there will be a lot of people from the Steemit front as well as the ones that went to Anarchapulco.. It also gives me an extra week to plan everything (and pay for it lol).
And yes, I am pretty sure that I will have a great time either way. I mean: Mexico...can't go wrong.
Ahh too bad! I guess I will read about Anarchaforko then ;-) And indeed, the fact that it is in Mexico doesn't make it unattractive ;-)
I also found out about anarchapulco in my early days on steemit, and would love to attend one day! I hope it manifests nicely for you and your family. Would definitely be a very enriching trip for you all!
I've never heard of Ho'oponopono before you mentioning it here! Did a quick search and it sounds interesting, so will definitely look into it :)
Thank you for your feedback and your kind wishes. And you should look into Ho'oponopono. The first book I read was Zero Limits by Joe Vitale. It is sometimes very 'American' but the message is very clear. I loved the stories he told. There's a long story in regards to how I found it, maybe one day I'll write it down. :) Serge King Kahili is also an author that writes about the subject...He's my favourite.
Thanks for the recommendations, will keep them in mind :)
you're welcome :)
Good luck, hope all the birds get to go to both!
I hope so too. Looking forward to meet you there :)
Ps: I dream to go there too, but it will wait next year !I am happy to read this post !!!! I would like to contact you in mp ! Do you have Discord ???? See you soon @misslasvegas
Hi see who we have here, our lovely @roxane! Yes, I'm on discord and steemit chat :) Same user name.
@misslasvegas Jeff just said in a video he put out today that Anarchapulco has been CANCELed !! I hope you can get a Refund. He was explaining along with his friend Luke that the US Govt. says it is to Dangerous to Travel into Mexico........Beware
Oh wow, I hadn't seen that yet. Will check it out right now. I'm not worried about a refund as I haven't paid for anything yet. Thanks for the heads up!
I believe it was meant to be sarcastically...I already thought it when you mentioned the US government issuing a warning because I know Jeff doesn't take these things too serious, since it is nothing more than propaganda to make Mexico look bad and people don't leave the US.
Hi misslasvegas (58),,
This post has been upvoted from me :)
If you like what I'm doing please upvote this comment so I can continue to support accounts like yours.
Sorry, I know you probably have the best intentions, but this is considered spam. And since you posted this so quickly after I posted this, it means that you didn't even take the time to read it. You will get much further here on Steemit if you read people's post, comment and engage in conversation. Not like this.
How I wish I could go to that conference too....Do you know if they will have an online version / live streaming option for people who can't be there? I've been following Jeff's work for about a month now and I've been learning a lot from him.
I'm going Anarchapulco and possibly the fork.
I'm experimenting with Dlive now and plan to livestream part of the conference if I'm allowed and I have good signal.
Tell me where you want me to be and I'll see if I can make it happen. 👍
That would be great. I hope you can live stream the whole event. Please let me know if you can even stream parts of it. I'd like to watch and learn as I can't travel over there.
I will bring my video camera as well and I'm sure there will be others. I'd say there will be some footage for you to watch during or after :D
Yessss.... Please do.... I don't want to miss any part of it.. Do live streaming in Dlive. Pleeeease... :)
I'll try that with my phone then. My video camera won't connect to the internet...it's too old lol. But I'll use both :) Will get as much as I can especially for you ;)
Awesome... You're so kind :)
I'm not sure if they will, but I'd say they might have something online.
I hope they do. I see in your tagline you're a hypnotist....I'm too :) How do you use hypnosis? Do you do counseling or clinical?
Ha, that's cool. There are a few hypnotists here on Steemit actually. I used it in counseling, even though I would have liked to work in a clinical setting, but not sure if I would want that now....
Great. I do counselling too....Didn't know there were few of us here...but glad to have noticed that on your profile....Now I feel I'm not alone here :)
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