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RE: Anarchy Has Gone Viral - Jeff Berwick at Anarchaportugal

in #anarchaportugal7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the detailed explanation.
The internet consists of a lot of individual hardware. So even if they turned off the internet wouldn't there be a way to reconnect some of the network hardware that is more localized together? A state or a local community, for example, may be able to gather all of this existing local equipment and gave itself a local internet and eventually make a connection to the next local area network and eventually get a new and perhaps a more decentralized internet.
I'm just saying, if they turn it off, we'll find a way to turn it back on with all of that existing hardware and all. Not easy I'm sure but doable.


I wasn't speaking about hardware, that's the "easy" part. Sorry, if my last post was too abstract. You need software ("router") that "knows" the path from your device to the destination device, so you can send a package and it gets routed to the desired device. If you want that to be decentralized it's very hard to do.

I think without changing the routing software we would end up where we are right now as it would need to be controlled by a centralized institution of some kind.

Also im not speaking about websites such as facebook, those are running on the internet. Im referring to the internet itself.

I understand that you are talking about the internet itself. How would they implement a kill switch? A true kill switch in my opinion would be to physically destroy all of the hardware. And I don't see that happening without of sort of huge magnetic pulse, and that would destroy everything else as well. Shy of that we as a people are resourceful enough that it would come back up as most likely a different network. And if it's a true free market that rebuilds it, it will end up being a better network structure. That is where we were heading before Al Gore forced the "internet" down our throats.