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RE: Anarchapulco 2018...My drug dealer was a Shaman. ***Iowaska***

in #anarchapulco7 years ago (edited)

Wow!!! That Shaman experience sounds super trippy. I’m not sure I could do it. I have a hard time with losing control of my senses. I had some buddies have a bad experience on chemicals when we were younger and it’s always made me kinda nervous but at the same time this sounds like quite the uplifting and soulful experience. Glad the conference went so well and I’m looking forward to hearing about the SmartCash bash!! I’m sure it’s going to be amazing.


watch some videos about it....its fascinating

Will do!!! It’s not fair, I’m posting blogs about Winterlude yesterday and you’re posting about basking on the beach.

yes smartcash has a brighting future and I started using it due to @broncnutz
however my smartwallet is still small but I will keep growing it by time
I will start converting my steem payouts into smartcash

me too my friend....i'm mining soom