Hello @modprobe,
Met you at the 2017 conference, I was the guy that spoke in room 2 on Human Rights.
My vote is for "Afterpulco"
I do not want it to be at the Mundo. Way to Corporate! and nothing to do there.
I have many idea's and businesses that I wish to get started before Jeff's conference and afterpulco.
I noticed you said you had room for people to crash at your place wanting to come down to Acapulco.
Does that offer stand for others such as myself?
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Hey, @healthiswealth!
I'm not a great fan of the "Afterpulco" moniker. It's catchy, but I don't think it captures the essence of what we're trying to accomplish. "Metapulco" might be more apropos, but less catchy and probably too techy.
And yes, you're certainly welcome at my place. Especially if you're coming with a creative, entrepreneurial spirit. :D Add me on Wire (I'm @nn) and we can figure it out on there!
Your right man "Afterpulco" it's catchy but not appropriate. not suffisicated enough.
I will have find time to get onto Wire.
thank you.