I've travelled extensively in Mexico (mostly resort style holidays though) and the one city I haven't visited is Acapulco... Reading your post now and watching the @jeffberwick videos is really making me want to go and check it out. I've got a feeling I'd see a side of Mexico I've never seen and would learn so much about life overall. Feels like it could be a real game changer. Steemit has already opened my eyes to so much possibility by beginning to learn about blockchain technology and anarchy, attending Anarchapulco would be amazing. Thanks for a great post that's an eye opener. I appreciate it!
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I hope to see you here! I got room at my place if you need somewhere to crash when you get to town. :-)
Be skeptical of Berwick's claims in his videos, though. It's awesome here, but he tends to embellish a bit in his excitement at times. For example, he's said before that it only rains a few days a year here, which is simply not true (it rains a couple days a week right now), it's just that all the rain happens during the rainy season, and anarchapulco is during the dry season. :-P
Thanks so much!
I'm from Vancouver BC and it's pretty full on here for rain so I'm used to it... nice that anarchapulco is in the dry season though. All the stuff I'm seeing on Acapulco looks pretty amazing, hope I can make it work and be there. :-)