My higher self is here telling me “I am a super woman power house of epic radiant light” and then my intergenerational trauma encoding shames me back into my little box.
Girrrl, I go through this exact situation. My weaker self most of the time wins the argument in my head. It’s hard to change when there is a second voice inside your head telling you to not do it, or instilled fear inside your mind and I can tell you fear is what kills opportunities.
thank you for sharing, and indeed, its so funny, lately i decided to go with the action and results other than logic and thought. if i look back at my life, for the past 8 months, my crypto art life and life in general ahs been growing consistently and opportunities keep on coming! its in part because im working so hard and in part because im ont he right path. every new project i take on seems scary because im stretching my bournddaries so much, but learning to channel that fear into excitement becasue after each project passes i have learned so mcuh more! much love <3