Jeffrey Tucker Speech at Anarchapulco 2018

Jeffrey Tucker gave an interesting speech at Anarchapulco. I saw him on the plane ride from Mexico City and chatted with him for a few minutes on different days throughout the conference. Was hoping to interview him but our schedules never worked but hopefully at Anarchapulco 2019 if we are both their I'll get a chance to ask him some questions if anyone has any?

Mr. Tucker is an advocate of free markets and an anarcho capitalist. I find the due to my limited set up the videos are probably easiest to watch such as this one due to sound amplification during speeches. Can't wait to upgrade the rig so can do better interviews that focus on the participants and close out ambient noises.

I enjoyed this speech and gave some interesting ideas about human nature, history, and the importance of liberty. Someday I will try to investigate Mr. Tucker's writings more, he seems to be erudite and have a worthwhile perspective.

Thanks for reading. Markets are pretty sweet. The inherently positive (or neutral at worst) sum game that is voluntary exchange premised upon enlightened self-interest has realized increasing abundance. I wonder how much more we would all have if we eliminated all the inefficiencies of coercively backed arbitrary central planning. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a Start Trek Enterprise and much better technology if we would eliminate all the nonsense interventions.


Jeffrey Tucker is a good speaker, i once heard his speech once, nice that you meet with him one on one

Yea I enjoyed his speech, wish I had gotten a chance to interview him

sounds very commie this time, not an upvote yet it looks.