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RE: The Problem With Anarchism - An Open-Minded Challenge

in #anarchism8 years ago

I also see the issues you are adressing. The anarchist philosophy seems to be based on the belief that all humans are good, and left to themselves will create only good things. Sure, there are a lot of good folks but also a lot of power trippers and psychos. If left unchecked what we would get is more like "Lord Of The Flies". We actually already have that in our government, banking system and corporations. I'm absolutely not supportive of the current form of government, but anarchism is not the answer in my opinion.

The whole libertarian/anarchy thing seems to me like an exercise in social darvinism. It seems based on the idea that the folks who have money are superior because they are smart and work hard (which is BS), and the dumb workers are just blood suckers. I've had many discussions with people calling themselves anarchists/libertarians. Most of them argued like that in one way or another. Maybe there are other kinds but it boils down to the whole thing being a dogma and nothing more.
There is no ideal solution. I try to just deal with people as they come and do what's right for me in any given situation. Most "isms" end up being a big circle jerk among their followers and usually there is some underlying agenda, that feels fishy to me. If I get cought up in the "isms", then I will be part of the dialectic and it really doesn't fit me. Anyhow, I appreciate your post. It adresses the right points.