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RE: Anarchism- Most of you really don't know what it means.

in #anarchism8 years ago

Since I can't reply to your ignorant comments and can't edit the top post due to site errors, here's the reply to anyone that wants to debate.

Attention subhuman civi scum planet rapists!

You can't argue anything I've posted here because it's all fact. I never advocated a return to primitive hunter gatherer culture. You've raped Nature too badly for that to be a possibility and put fences everywhere, preventing a return to primitivism. I'm advocating a culture of modern nomads that use DIY green tech to enable a nomadic, freegan, ethical lifestyle for those with the brains and balls to pull their own weight without being dependent upon and supportive of slavery systems and tyrants. If you don't see what's going on, you're too fucking stupid or ignorant for me to waste my time debating with you. I posted this to get people to attempt to think outside of their corrupt and destructive paradigm. When your precious civilization collapses and the stores run out of food, do not come to me for help. Those that rode the civ train all the way to the end despite knowing that it's killing everything will be fed to the dogs.

This will be my last post on this stupid site full of vapid capitalist pigs.