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RE: An Original Parable about Voluntaryism

in #anarchism9 years ago

"There were no taxes and no public services. If anybody wanted anything, they'd have to pay for it explicitly." - Yes, there would be no taxes, that is true. But that doesn't mean there would be no voluntary charities , mutual aid societies/networks, co-op owned businesses, non-profit agencies, etc.

True. And would 'have to pay for it explicitly' seems off too. It's very possible that many services would be bundled and provided together in exchange for a 'membership fee' of some sort. This doesn't sound like 'pay for it explicitly' to me.


Yeah, I was pretty thoroughly oversimplifying the whole thing. Guilty as charged. But some really interesting things have come out of this discussion, and I started a new one over here:
For a discussion on the commons in an anarchist society, check out my new discussion on the commons in an anarchist society.