This Redday, isn't a time to feel sorry for what hasn't been accomplished yet.

in #anarchism7 years ago

This Redday is a time to remember everything we've overcome to get here. To remember all the work we put in. Remember, you did exist back in the formless, but you pushed your way to the front of this physical plane. From a sperm, to fetus, to the chance of having breath. A chance to experience this human experience in all its shapes and senses. In the formless world nothing exist of hot or cold. So let's be hot. Let's be cold. Let's enjoy the human form no matter the pleasure or pain. Back in the formless, pain and pleasure have no effect. I say let's make effects with our joy and pain. Our physical mind is often too good at intaking meaning. Often when we share, we give responses based on what others are expecting. Based on others praising or encouraging us. So let's not do this today, this Redday. Let's say what we truly mean today without fear. Let's express deep beyond the clumsy human form. Remember your true form is indestructible and fearless. But hey, I'm just a dirtbag scrub, I lick the sidewalks clean, metaphorically of course.

She said "Tell me about yourself Jimmy James". I said Girl, I like to #dream. It's true, I'm a dreamer. My #visions almost always come to pass when I keep imagining them. Oh sure, today is bleak. Today I'm homeless. Today this society leaves my body moldy in the cold shivering rain. But tomorrow I could just as easily be behind the dry side of the glass, cuddled up warm and toasty with a group of loving people. Tomorrow the sun could be just as equally be shining warmth on me. I've learned to accept my circumstances, better yet, to use them to my advantage. They keep my visions plain in sight, even during nightmarish hours. Even during incriminates other than hours. I said, Girl, truth is fatal to those living in deception. Truth stings like a yellow-jacket and becomes infected. Truth compounds like a tumor to those exposed to the hive. When it's true, it persist, it haunts until it's accepted or embraced, or else it does you in. Girl, your truth awaits like kindling this very moment, ready to set ablaze. Allow me be a match for that fire. Allow me be another spark to ignite that flame. Allow me to be one of your many catalyst and lights along your epic story. What would this journey be if we stopped encouraging each other to light our #magic lamps? Come on baby let me light your fire.

Many times this Earth becomes too heavy for me to bare. The selfishness and greed cement a cast around my heart. Many days loneliness clings to me, even though a world full of loved ones hold my hand. Remember, no being has the blueprints to this life. If a disease infects you, accept today's circumstances, maybe being at ease isn't in your best interest. If the disease is your culture, build new culture. If depression grips your #soul, maybe the depression is there to sculpt you into what would otherwise be a clump of no emotion. Maybe it's there to take you higher. We can conjure up a million maybe's but only one definite for sure. Today we live. A great chance to exist another day. A million formless souls await a chance to experience even the weakest hand shake. So get a grip. Grow up and resolve conflicts using words. That's my advice to the masses of violent nationalists inhabiting Earth. We clearly see the violence as a result of your nations. Anarchism is only for the highest intelligence, no dummys allowed, so who else will join us?

Jimmy James
Of the Growling Griffin tribe
Redday, Saturn 16, Year 1


I can't stand a chance to compete with your posts :) amazing, but you can check mine also ;)

@ronaldmcatee no need to compete. Thank you for your time. Seriously, when you take the time to respond to me, it helps me tremendously. I wish we would engage more as a society. You have my highest respect and attention.