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RE: How to Cancel Your Voter Registration

in #anarchism9 years ago

Great post. One thing did come to my mind and that is the fact that voter registrations are commonly used to select people for jury duty. I consider jury duty to be highly important and, as a Voluntaryist, it's probably one of the biggest ways I can make an impact by refusing to convict on a victimless crime.

I just did the research for my state (Minnesota) and it looks like the potential jurors come from a combined list of voter registrations, Drivers Licenses, and state ID's, with duplicates being removed. It looks like four states do pick their jurors entirely from voter registrations - which is something to consider when choosing to completely cancel.


That was going to be my response. For most states, they pull from other outlets. That said, thanks for actually looking it up; that was what led me to write this article months back: