Thanks @dwinblood!
I agree with your assessment that if we "flipped the switch" the world would not be ready. Maybe parts of it would sustainably manage themselves peacefully, but for the most part, the cycle would likely repeat.
I used to ardently believe that an anarchist society could only be achieved through education and changing mindsets. This still certainly could be our path. However, I see new paths opening up, ones where we are in control and the State is helpless. If we can keep trimming the State back, then over time, there really won't be much left, and as we go, we will continually get better at building out alternate, competing models for its various services.
It certainly will be difficult overcoming the many obstacles in our way, however, it IS possible to bring about a free society without people even understanding why its better. Not only that, it may not take that long. It seems crazy and far out, but so did the concepts behind cryptocurrencies, digital reputations, and all of the other brilliant crypto-anarchic thought. It's all coming. All of it. Far quicker than any of us realize, in my opinion.
Education and discussion are still very important, as that's what will allow us to bring more minds and talent into the fold. However, it no longer is the only path, which gives me so much hope and optimism for seeing a much freer world in my lifetime.