Does anybody else remember this story from 2014?
Can you believe that whilst prostitution wasn't illegal in the area for a short amount of time, that things actually DIDN'T implode into total chaos? Of course lawmakers quickly hurried to revise the mistake and once again place restriction on telling us how we can use our bodies.

In the meantime while they were scurrying to rectify the mishap, both rape and STD stats decreased sharply.
But never mind that good news. Because the state can't just let people go around doing what they want with their bodies, making voluntary and peaceful exchanges with whomever.
What goes on in the bedroom between two adults is clearly between them.... and the state!

Cannabis and prostitution legalization would create so many jobs and could literally liberate the planet.
Naturally, those in power don't want that to happen.
Been trying to sell my body for years. Hard business to get into for dudes. If the government would get out of the way maybe we could have some equal opportunity here. Women have monopolized the market.
I'm just a gigolo... I think this is tongue n' cheek, i sure got a laugh. I live in Cambodia where prostitution isn't legal but just around the corner. I have several bar girls that i chat with, but i am not a customer. No ethical issues, just not my thing. But when they ask if I want boom boom, I usually ask how much they will pay me. It usually gets a laugh...
Ha! They really say "boom boom"? Are you Cambodian? Or did you move there from somewhere else?
I'm from California. Been living in Siem Reap for a year and several months. And yes, Boom Boom is the preferred nomenclature. Kinda silly, but it is what it is... Will check the music when I get a chance. Be well.
Everyone is screaming about "rape culture" these days. How about a market solution?
Right? The conservative capitalists always preach about the virtue of the 'free' market. Why not apply it to social issues then.
Subscribed to you bro. You seem interesting. Check out my "band of the day" post if you're interested in discovering new music.
because they are hypocrites.. as is tradition with the statist position
Indeed. Hypocrisy is a basic tenet of statism.
haha i like your flavor
Hey bro someone who has a little more steem than us is going to repost the go fundme post I did today and all of the profits from the post are going to logan and his family. She's not a whale by any means but hopefully it will get some attention. Is it cool if I send you the link when it's up?
Love this -- your commentary is right on <3