Applying Agorism in Modern Times

in #anarchism8 years ago

Agorism is all around us, so much so in fact we all engage in this counter economics in some way, even if we dont know it. Many know of agorism and wonder what the best way to apply it is realistically in this high tech time. Also many may wonder, why would i want to be an agorist? The reason is simple agorism can give the state that final push it needs to go off the cliff and into financial collapse. Due to the fact currency requires you be stolen from to have value

There are many ways one can with success, make all or most of their income without taxes. There are a few things one first needs to do. Figure out a way to make a small cash/crypto based business with intentions to replace most if not all the current income.

  1. Use bitcoin and other crypto-currency to keep assets hidden. Use crypto currency to exchange with others to avoid the monopoly on currency.
  2. Never move too much money at one time, and i suggest assets like gold and silver as well to store assets to avoid audits by the IRS.

3. There is not a full proof method to be        free from IRS penalty. However in civil disobedience there is always that risk, but it still remains a duty

4. Get land, if its an option get tax exempt status on the land known as 501c. Its been done many times. Once you aquire land, i suggest you begin a project to homestead. Homesteading can be affordable if you keep an eye out for cheap land and pool money with like-minded friends. Unfortunately the best way to go about this type of investment is to pay for permits, but do anything possible to get 501c. That way you can evade extortion after some fees are paid and dont risk confiscation. Property tax is long term extortion and should be avoided at all costs.

Even if you don't want to go all out agorism even a little bit helps, making anywhere 25-50% of your income on the black market can help create the downfall of the currency. Currently fiat money, the value is predominantly valued by domestic demand (taxation) along with global demand. If we can interfere with that demand on a large enough level we can collapse the economy.


Good post, with just one caveat though...

@freedomizer wrote:

Agorism is all around us, so much so in fact we all engage in this counter economics in some way, even if we dont know it.

Counter economics without libertarian philosophy cannot be Agorism.

SEK3 wrote:

Remember always that Agorism integrates theory and practice . ( An Agorist Primer page 18)

So while many people engage in "counter economics", they are not necessarily engaged in agorism.

I'm reading through the book just now. Its a point he comes back to a couple of times for emphasis.

It doesn't change the validity of your post. Keep up the good work.

Indeed sir, appreciate the feed back. I will make this emphasis on libertarian philosophy being important to call ones action Agorism more clear.