Counter Economics: prepare for economic collapse

in #anarchism8 years ago


 Counter Economics is a great way to get prepared for an inevitable collapse. The current fiat monetary system requires taxation and foreign reserve holders in order to maintain its value. This is a servere conflict of interest because that means our currency is dependant upon us being stolen from with  constant wars and global interventions. All in the name of the dollar.


   This system to stay afloat will require us to maintain position as the most powerful nation. It will require government to constantly bully other countries into accepting our currency exclusively for oil and other market goods like opium (which we happen to be in the ME for now). This system benefits the bankers and not the people.


   Counter Economics will allow you and your loved ones to live outside the state. It will prepare you for the inevitable collapse and it will condition you for obstacles that will come. This system even without a solid counter economics effort will not last. An effort that doesn't change the culture and dependency on a state will do nothing but contribute to the chaos of the collapse. The collapse can be chaos or we can continue an underground economics industry that we organize to be prevalent against a collapse.


    Im a firm believer of the idea we can prepare for almost any catastrophic event if we know its coming. We know its coming guys, its time to get communities prepared and allow a system to exist when our current system expires. Never stop working to the next level. Always progress.


Good points. We definitely need to engage in counter underground "black market" economics devoid of the centralized authoritarian statism. If people remain attached to and dependent upon the current model, they will never be able to let go and raise themselves to a different better way of living that no longer supports enslavement and coercion.

A+. Upvoted. Peace.

Amen to that

Humans will always survive, the question is how...
At some point in the near future our known Infrastructure WILL collapse.
There will be people which want to restart the game by installing the same structure again. That needs to be undermined then by beeing ready...
One problem is that most people dont listen and/or think anymore.
These people will be unprepared an will then eventually pose a threat by joining some form of government again.

If we prepared people really want to make evolution of humanity happen other than just another revolution, we need to know how to deal with this (really big) part of society.

For more alternative economy ideas check out corbett report and search for solutions:
I highly recommend this guy...

I checked and already follow him. Ill write a piece about those concerns latee tonight.