Reason's Nick Gillespie: "Move to New Hampshire, you won't be sorry!"

in #anarchism9 years ago

Reason Magazine's Nick Gillespie recently sat down with Free State Project president Matt Philips to discuss the FSP's libertarian migration-in-progress to New Hampshire. Gillespie has seen the evidence for himself - he's visited the Shire on more than one occasion. It's obvious that concentrating libertarian activists together in the same geographic area leads to success.

Now thousands more are slated to come for the FSP, while others are choosing to join the decentralized Shire Society and move independently of the Free State Project. Regardless of whether you join a movement or not, if you are a libertarian or voluntarist, take Nick's advice: "Move to New Hampshire, you won't regret it."


Moving to New Hampshire was one of the best decisions I've ever made! That feeling so many voluntarists/anarchists are getting here on Steemit, being surrounded by other like-minded individuals... we get to be surrounded by that in the meat world! Face-to-face! It really is incredible. I hope more people will take a look at coming to be a part of the Free State Project, Shire Society, or Foundation for New Hampshire Independence movements! We can escape Trump and Clinton!

I moved from Los Angeles, so it was quite a change. But really, that's why there's air conditioning and heating. It's been absolutely beautiful this year. And I actually helped research some weather statistics for this blog post that shows more about NH weather: And honestly... freedom, liberty, and individual rights matters a bit more to me than a little chill in the winter. Cheers @luminousvisions! Hope you'll come check NH out some time!

Damn! Kudos to you! I've been to Thailand twice -- beautiful, but yes, hot! :) Thanks for the follow and the kind words. And good on you for working to get what you wanted! :)

My wife and I plan to move to NH witching the next four years. Right now we are building the businesses we will need to sustain us when we arive. That said we can't wait to get started with our new live in NH!

I may take a look at New Hampshire. All these politicians, city councilman, etc want to do in Georgia is tax their way into prosperity. As the ol folk say: You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. Awesome Post :-)

The one thing I don't get about New Hampshire,, with its long-time libertarian leanings, is that the farkin' state runs the liquor stores. I mean not just control and regulate it, the state owns and operates the liquor stores. Makes no sense.

Yes, we have work to do, but it is still the freest place in the US and with large numbers of libertarians, things will change. It is already working, in fact.

I've always loved Gillespie's interview style and general demeanor - particularly when he goes on Bill Maher's show. He really holds his own so well - and never loses his cool. I'm just wondering he plans to make the move to NH, himself??

Since I moved back to the mainland USA a few months ago, I've considering moving to New Hampshire for more liberty. However, so far I'm enjoying the legal weed, no state income tax, and hopefully the mild winters in Washington state. I lived in shorts and flip flops for a the last decade. Not sure I can do the harsh winters anymore.

I totally agree with my neighbor and friend, Randy Clemons about moving to New Hampshire. I have truly found my tribe. The weather is the weather, get used to it.