We all know the problems with youtube, i have a small channel (which i post the most random stuff possible), it has 20k subscribers and currently the main problems are with the copyright system, which is beyond broken.
But the huge problem with youtube is government censorship, which will be impossible in a decentralized network.
That's why i think decentralization is the future, bitcoin, openbaazar and steemit are here to prove that and soon we can get a new player in the game :)
Let me introduce you LBRY, a decentralized digital library controlled by the community:
Exciting times ahead :D
Interesting. I saw the coin on Bittrex the other day. New Netflix?
Use this URL code when you join to get free LBC. https://lbry.io/get?r=T13yB
Here is a referral code, may as well all get some LBRY. https://lbry.io/get?r=ppY2r