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RE: Anarcho-Christian Monarchism

in #anarchism9 years ago (edited)

Heretickitten: You are defining Christianity by the people who attend state corporations commonly called churches. Easy mistake to make. You are also assuming that the state religion started by Rome represents Christianity...and that was their game plan. But the first Christians were called atheists precisely because they had a welfare network that functioned outside of the elohim/gods/rulers of the centralized state.

In fact, Christians were accused of robbing the temple of Diana at Ephesus which was the central bank for at least 127 countries. How would they do that? By being exempt from paying into the centralized social welfare system because they had their own system that operated in parallel.

One must first be clear about what religion is. James 1:27 provides that: "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

That word "world" is translated from the word "kosmos" which simply means "an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government."

In other words, the official religion of every US Citizen is the US Government because that is the system by which the needy cared for. So-called "atheists" are worshiping the same elohim (rulers/judges) as churchians...because both groups are using the same mystical definitions brainwashed into them by government indoctrination camps called "schools" and state corporations called "churches" lead by state-licensed agents called "ministers."

Dare to take a look at the bible with fresh eyes and you might find it is one of the best textbooks ever written for anarchy. Bastard's Summary of the Bible


That's a very interesting perspective. The Bible is definitely full of anarchist ideas. I plan to write a future post on that subject, particularly the organizational structure of the Israelites in the time of the judges and God's warning to the Israelites through Samuel when they asked for a king. If 1 Samuel 8 isn't a warning against statism I don't know what is.