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RE: North Dakota Native Americans are having land stolen for the Dakota Access Pipeline and need help, protest stops pipeline development

in #anarchism9 years ago

I don't see my vote being worth anything, really, with all of the corruption. Plus being an anarchist I have issue with voting for rulers. I don't think we will be able to vote our freedom back.


But the same logic applies in the primaries as it does in the final votes.

@nathanbrown agreed, which is why I only do it for the final vote. Why would I waste effort twice? I would never have chosen Weld has VP for the Libertarian Party, because he isn't Libertarian, so now the party is stuck with a Republican as the VP pick. The LP has already been corrupted. I will vote for Johnson this year to give the LP the votes to help get to %15. Otherwise I wouldn't even vote for Johnson because he is a libertarian leaning leftist, it should be Ron Paul. If you advocate for the state you are in the wrong since the primary function of the state is to restrict freedom, to rule.

Now I do put more effort into local races and will vote on those because my vote has more weight and can effect greater change, but again I am still dealing with the state. :)