
Nice, i enjoyed this article!

Thanks! Slowly been working on a second one that focuses on the root etymology and subjective Google definitions of taxation.

It's even worse than this. I might post on that at some point when my research is finished... but you're close.
The majority of people are conditioned and kept asleep, I avoid the word brainwashed...
I love this article. Thanks, will read it a few times. Upvoted. Feel free to check my writings.

Awesome. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! It is sad how conditioned people are to the point of killing innocent people who only want to stand up for freedom and rights. America has lost its way in many regards from when Thomas Jefferson was around. He would start up a war quick with those ruling over us right now.

Did I mention this is an awesome piece?

LOL... Thanks! It started out as a rebuttal to a friend's opinion and quickly turned into a 7 page article.

@jeffreyahann I know how you feel. So umm I'm debating whether or not to go 8 pages explaining why taxation is not theft. Just want to make sure it's something the person i'm rebutting will read.
You game? p.s. I'm not a statist, but taxes aren't theft either.

You rebuttal these points and and will respond in kind. :)

This stuff is important to talk about, only 5 votes? WTH?

One would hope people would want to talk about it.

now I'm curious, where did you find the ifno on the tagging scheme?

I searched Google and found some steemit articles that discussed it.

@matthewmencel You only give five choices and you can either hashtag them #Steemit or you can add them when publishing the article. The first tag will be the main tag that it falls under. You can look up the tag list and see how active each tag is.

It's not theft if you give your consent. Which you do every time you sign a government form (contract). It involves a legal tactic the tech sector has made great use of, "default opt-in". That's not it's legal name, but it conveys the idea. Legally their just contracts, think "terms and conditions". But, just like with "shrink wrap contracts" and "click wrap contracts" in the tech world where presumptions are made under the law, presumptions are also made about your citizenship. Most people are completely unaware that there is both federal citizenship and state citizenship.

"There is a distinction between citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a particular state, and a person may be the former without being the latter." [Alla v. Kornfeld, 84 F.Supp. 823] [(1949)]

And as some are aware congress has unlimited authority to legislate within Federal jurisdiction, but must abide by the Constitution in the 50 states.

Explore here for more info: (pdf)

False. Being forced to consent is not consent. Taxation is theft, by definition. If you consent then it would be a donation or a service fee. Being forced to pay for things is not consent. Do you consent and agree with everything the government does with your money? No? But you consented, right?

When you talk about your personal wealth you are of course talking about your holdings of your country's currency - the same currency that you pay taxes in. If there were no state, there would be no currency, hence your 'wealth' could not exist. It's therefore wrong to say that the money you pay in taxes belongs to you. The government sets up the system of currency which allows you to earn money in the first place. You can't opt into that part of the system and then opt out of the other part where you pay tax.

My personal wealth is the product of my labor regardless of the medium it is found in. The product of my labor is my right, my property, my capital, not yours. Saying you get a % of my labor because you force me to use a currency is still theft. Please show me where my consent is that I opted for this system or to be stolen from. Being forced to use a system that then steals from me to pay for services I may or may not want is still theft. What makes taxation not theft? Consent, and I don't consent to you or the government in taking the product of my labor.