
Look, the wall between us can only be overcome by your expanding you knowledge base, I will spend time right now to find the EG quote I have been looking for, then maybe you can understand.
I was ancrap for many years, until I had the time to spend reading the original modern ancom proponents, this book was like flipping a switch, I was not prepared to be communist, I had swallowed the crapitalust agitprop without question, and liked the taste.

Work harder and everything will be ok.

But, to answer your question,...
You have no obligation to help me in any way, it is well within your rights to watch me starve under a bridge because I refuse to give half of the value that my labor creates to you for allowing me to produce it in your crapitalust endeavor.
I agree, I cannot force you to do anything, nor do I want to do so.
But, as a human being, if you are not appalled at the poverty in this world, and are not willing to rectify it, what kind of compassion/humanity do you call that?
Is there any question that we are ruled by criminals?
That crapitalism has made this possible?
Do you doubt that as long as the workers continue to fill the shelves the accountants, lawyers, politicians, and ceo's can jump in a lake and the shelves will continue to be full?
Let me look for the essay that explained it to me,....

Being condescending with your commie crap doesn't make it any more rational. You think like an entitlement-mentality child, as if it's not YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself. If someone else OFFERS you a trade--even a crappy trade--he is not oppressing you.

And again, how can you bitch about what the "evil, greedy capitalists" pay, when YOU pay NOTHING? How many people have you employed? You didn't answer last time: if THEY are somehow obligation to provide people with jobs, why aren't YOU obligated to do so, too?

Still looking,...but if you look on my page you'll see what I have found, so far.

Ok, I've got to do other things today, I'll get back to my search, somewhere in the 10's of thousands of pages I've read is found the quote I am looking for, but the haystack is large and the needle small.
To answer your question about employing people, I wouldn't do that, I have no desire to take anything away from a starving worker, a worker forced by crapitalusts to produce for the benefit of the wealthy because to not do so is to starve.
Why that is so hard for you to grasp must be a function of the matrix around you, you are trained from early on that this is how it is, this is the only way it can be, and that alternatives to crapitalism are to be rejected out of hand, as you have done.
Do you pay your workers the full value that their labor creates?
Of course not, you are as much a crapitalust as George Soros.
I hope you can escape the pit that your education has you trapped in.
I'll leave you until I find the quote I am looking for,....
Thanks for the time you have given me to this point,...

Well, I haven't found the quote I have been looking for, but I have found this person:, who does a fine job of laying out how crapitalism is predicated on theft.

Found it, you can skip to Chapter 2, if you want to short change your knowledge base,....