That was quick!
TVP FAQ is so long and comprehensive that you would write a whole book using that material ;-)
Anyway, no one is forcing you to anything. RBE is nto based on force and authority but voluntarism and sharing, as explained above in the article and FAQ ;-)
About human competitiveness. It is not a part of human nature. Being competitive is a learnt behavior. You are not born competitive, compassionate, greedy, empathic, cooperative, jealous. These are all behaviors which are shaped by the environment (biological social and psychological factors). RBE does not provide social conditions to support competitive behaviour. It is all explained int the article above and in FAQ.
Anyway, to understand the difference between human nature and human nurture/behaviour, I would recommend and excellent series of lectures from Stanford University called "Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology" (uploaded on YT).
Also, this presentation relates to it (covers aspect of competition in education):
I, also recommend watching "The Choice is Ours" documentary by TVP.
These series of free magazines is quite decent too:
Security - RBE experimental city may need some security provided by the country in which this city would be located. That depends on the country (and which nations would fund it). When other countries follow and start building similar cities, then they would need to provide their own security until they completely transform to fully RBE society. RBE will not happen at the same time in all parts of the world. Some nations may follow later. In the end we should acquire global RBE with no nationalistic divisions.
To prevent one marauder RBE to be tempted to invade some RBE nation, we could introduce RBE voluntary self defense service in to defend in case of invasion. Where anyone regardless of sex would mobilize to protect under threat.