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RE: DEBATE: Adam Kokesh v. Graham Smith on The Efficacy and Ethics of Political Crusading

in #anarchism7 years ago

Great discussion! Graham, I hope all your future interactions both on Steemit and in debates will be this respectful. I hope you will give activists against the state the benefit of the doubt and do the research before posting your assumptions. Thank you for a very clear representation of what voluntaryism is which we all agree with. Adam, thank you for outlining how this proposal will not violate property rights for those who actually have valid property claims and will not prevent homesteading or in some other way use violence against peaceful individuals.

I’m glad this debate was so respectful and clear that I feel comfortable sharing it with anyone as an example of two intelligent voluntaryists who want to practically improve the world without sacrificing their principles to do so. If either one of you directly endorse violence against a peaceful person in the future, I’ll be first to remove my support. As it is now, thank you both for leading by example.

I hope people not only continue to disagree with Adam’s plan, but actually do the work of suggesting improvements to it. I also hope they will support any avenue for eliminating the violence of the state that is voluntary by design, even if it is not perfect.


And if you or Adam want respect. Practice it yourselves, first. ;)

Puerile name calling is not respect.
Neither is defense of such behavior.