I agree that filmed cops are generally far more well behaved than not filled cops. Part of why I believe all cops should be required to wear ALL TIME body cams.
I am also a big fan of cop watching groups/activists. I have been a part of them and know many hard core activists.
You had a polite and civil conversation here with the police but the truth is even though he was acting nice he is working for the mob. He is literally being paid to extort money from people at gun point and enforcing un just laws just because it was written in by bought politicians, unbeknownst to the general public and against their best interest.
If the "good" cops don't stop the "bad" cops then they aren't actually good cops. Its so difficult because I prefer as you probably do to have agreement and nice interactions with people but if you would have actually challenged him he would NOT have been nice. His real colors would have been shown. It was only a nice conversation because you were nice.