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RE: The Anatomy of Warfare and Terrorism (or why They Kill)

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Great post.
Being French, hence in a country where terrorism suddenly became a daily business, I would agree to most parts of your analysis.
Neverthless, it seems to appear that our "local" jihadists are not motivated by what is happening in syria (War). According to some studies and amalyses, we simply have lost people, in search for a cause, and whom easiest move is to go against the civilization where they are born.
Stopping the war is one step, but also be sure to give the people some values to hang on too. Society's role is this one: give values, content, hope. But it is a 2 way street . People agree to receive from the society, but being a citizen also is a duty.

A wise man once said:

if you want to control people, give them a God to love, and an enemy to hate

Remove the enemy, AND replace "God" by "society", and maybe all this will stop.
If not, the human civilization is probably doomed.

My 50cents here. Cheers from France.