For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous. Bricks to all greenhouses! Black thumb and cutworm to the potted plant!~Edward Abbey
Some people might wonder why I do it—why I incessantly talk "politics" and freedom.Here is why: we live in a world of totalitarian madness. We muster energy everyday to survive in a slave State, with violent police enforcers everywhere and sociopath politicians searching everywhere with their panopticon gaze, hunting for people to abduct and punish for paltry reasons.
And most folks languish in a business-as-usual stupor, blind to the depredations of government, blind to the fact that they praise and worship their own fetters. So I trumpet this truth to bring people out of their careless coma. I speak to bring down the light of reason and compassion onto the choir of the careless. I want to create communities of active acolytes for freedom, something formidable enough to foment a cultural shift.
I have Dire Reasoning for Wanting Change
I loathe this notion that people must be collectivized, controlled, corralled, costumed, and consumed. This is an absolute shame, a pockmark on the face of human history, anathema to everything decent and dignified. And my dire reasoning for wanting this change is simple.It is not "human nature" that causes the wanton bloodshed and slavery. Humankind is not doomed to it anymore than it was doomed to Aztec-initiated human sacrifice. It is that people get too comfortable in their cultures and their systems. Like cardboard characters, they believe governments must be allowed to run roughshod over the population for protection. They fear change.
Government is Sounding its Death Knell
But the aforesaid atrocities are in their twilight, as government sounds its death knell.The day of conformity and numbed deliberation is over; it is bleeding out on the pavement. The new life is beckoning everyone forward, sounding its beautiful tones, the reverberation of truth and justice shimmering like the North Star. It is the guiding light bringing peace into the fold, regardless of the defeatism of naysayers and their primitive hatred, their reliance on the broken reasoning; their denial of higher things, of wisdom.
Yes, anarchism grows strong while the charlatans and violence-happy clamor for relevance. The liberty laborers continue to acknowledge truth, to grasp the North Star and obtain their divining rod of justice. The new world is right there between the eyes, a destination delivered upon us in this time of desolation and damnation.
Let's rise together in haste then, and smash all fetters forever.
My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.
Haha. YES. God. Thank you for making this. I am going to steal and post this on my other social media pages.
WOW, you are a fantastic writer! My bf and I are preppers, we have guns, food stores, and go-bags, biding our time until the proverbial shit-hits-the-fan moment. We also live in Montana so we have a lot of natural resources. For now, its business as usual! Work, play, and work some more!
Absolutely. I appreciate the comment. And I am with you. It is good to be prepared for any exigency. No telling when shit will turn chaotic as a result of government. It already is, actually.
Yes. Every day, new things happen, and new ways of going about your business are thought of. People are deprecating the state's involvement in so many areas of their lives more and more often. I believe ethereum has already had marriages registered. Soon, people will begin registering property ownership through it as well.
More and more, bitcoin, ride sharing, agorism, it's creeping in, and the government is apparently powerless to stop the flow.
Erroneous, I can't thank you enough for always providing thoughtful posts to my blog. You are a blessing to this community. And I agree 100%. These technologies are bootstrapping us to a whole new way of life, and totally rendering the State as a moot point. I am just curious what they are going to do to consolidate their power. I imagine they will try to use more coercion and force to make up for their lack of control. As always, you are awesome. I am glad to have met you.
@sterlinluxan ...we are living in an age of totalitarian State rules...I'm with the Revolution...but It can only be done peacefully within the system...We have to avoid a violent overthrow...being a Classical Anarchist myself it means offering peaceful resistance...Gandhi was right...
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"
As we speak...Fascists plan to 'rig' our supposedly Democratic election...
I myself abhor the Party System in this's just an excersize on WHO will be controlling the State! Sanders who IS a Socialist...planted the seeds of the Revolution in the Democratic Platform(the Rules)...We will end up taking the NEXT steps!
This is quite the read amigo; a real breath of fresh air. Have a watch of this video, I feel it will be right up your alley:
Thanks, sir. I will give it a watch when I get a moment.
As important as it is for us anarchists to be actively speaking about the philosophy it is more important for us to actually be proving it in the real world. I have bookmarked your website and will be checking it out because I always enjoy hearing new ideas and expanding my understanding of a stateless society and your site seems to deal with the psychology behind what makes an anarchist so I am very interested. The more we learn about why we see things the way we do the better we will be able to show others and that's very important. Thank you for what you're doing
Yes yes yes--let freedom ring!! May all beings awaken and arise. We too speak incessantly about freedom, because we have experienced firsthand the injustice of the "violent police enforcers". We are an established community that does not accept conformity or control; the status quo is not good enough, so we live life according to values. AND WE HONOR FREEDOM, in the truest sense of the word--we are freer than almost anyone can fathom, and we exist to prove it can be done! It's an exciting time to be alive, witnessing the birth of this revolutionary new platform that's connecting the cunning intellects and visionaries of this era. Thank you for this, @sterlinluxan--we stand with you!!
Well said, Garden of Eden. I am also glad for this beautiful technology, which allows us both to earn a living while promulgating our ideas. There is nothing more important than a platform like this.
What a beautiful post! It stirs my heart.
Thank you so much for reading.
Feel the power, but an illusion
Granted by the slaves in confusion
Sipping wine in their dreaded tower
Growling at dissent the people cower
Dire portents the woe of the people
Adorning Government with a steeple
Appeal to Authority rules the day
Convincing the masses this is the way
Watching as much proven only a myth
The slaves realization they are ruled by Sith
Star Wars may not make sense to all
All you need to know is leaders should fall
To truly be free you must have no master
For any time that you do it proves disaster
Shake your hands and break your shackles
Put and end to the false gods' cackles
The change is happening all around us. I can't believe the amount of people around me that are joining the Voluntaryist idea. They might not know what is happening in their minds but I recognize the path they are on because I went down the same path.
Excelent, I always tell people that we are slaves and live in tirany, but eventually they just laugh at it. Democracy and the commom good are the perfect tirany, because it doesn't appear to.
Yes, government and democracy are absolute forms of tyranny. Government by definition is tyranny, even though some people believe that governments only become tyrannical overtime. I find this to be false, because controlling at others at gunpoint is tyranny.
@sterlinluxan ...Here's my problem with steem...this article has 23 plus votes & it's got a value of ONLY $8.30? I had a post with 25 votes & it had a value of $304!...Is this because of rank?...I just feel that THIS post should have higher value!...IMHO
Thanks, Terry. It does now! It all depends on who votes, their Steem Power, and when. Very dynamic.
Ok...$504...That's more like it!
I am interested in how to teach people to be free. There are many people out there that are very comfortable in their slavehood. If there were suddenly no governments, what could we do to help people adjust?