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RE: I am grateful for...

in #anarchism8 years ago

Amy you marvelous merry activist and your first world problems turning into gratitude! I've been there done that, boot on the car the afternoon I. Going into my soul crushing job, but I had a car and I had a job. ... that snak pipe is wicked, where exactly is it?


Shucks, thank you! For me perception is the key that opens all the best doors! When I was at that awful stage of 13-16 and EVERYTHING was terrible, my Dad would laugh at me. He would say, don't take yourself so serious, no one else does. I like to remember that my problems are only as serious as I let them be, life is good!

I was traveling with two other gals to Colorado, when we hit a crazy down pour in Illinois that had turned fields into lakes. We drove through for about 200 miles of this when we hit St.Louis, and everything was flooded there as well. We were enchanted by the city and took a pit stop to wander the flooded warehouses and neighborhoods. We didn't know that was what we were going to do- but it was amazing! This snake was near a small dam in a mostly deserted industrial area... I tried to google but it remains a mystery!