Anarchist Poetry 1

in #anarchist8 years ago (edited)

Free Dumb Punks.

Always someone more hardcore,
Aways time to even the score.
There's always someone tougher,
but there's never someone more stubborn than a punk.
I'm wasted through time on the spinning dreams of a drunk.
I've useless talents in the times of a tyrant.
So I've trained my eyes on the prize of a pirate.
Stole my heart for the price of her love hate.
Worried against the years I was too late.
Kept it pushing for a chance to forget,
not accepting a life worth the regret.
Bargaining opportunities in the shadows
of billboards neck deep in a tattoo real estate
subhuman security gates with cartoonist whores
peddling heroic super ego fashion sense.
Sliding down slobbery throatgasm spewage
gutter swept hallways on prosthetic souls.
Wandering sage bathrobed batshit conjecture
pornographic parables played off
for wise cracking wisdom whispers washing brainscapes
with treasured vague understandings
cleared from painful truths.

We are having a time.
Have it up.
Puke punk puke.
Fake so hard you can taste it.
Never sell out on special for a limited time only,
earn your coupon online.
Buy your future,
but do it wasted.
Substitute subscription sustained in suspected detention
higher ups with educational license signing your assessments.
Still happy after the status substitution?
Sorry sinners,
all slave shares sold.
Graduated bucket splash across the labyrinth
rolling jagged like square peg broken eggs.
Got it all figured and ready to lash out.
Taught what stupid questions are,
in the enlightened zone of bullet holes.
Smells like victims early in their mourning.
Diploma'd dipshits on parade throwing hand grenade candy cures for boredom.
Free dumb ignorant happiness.

Pathetic People of Political Promise.

Pathetic people of political promise.
Peace is a privilege you bought with compliance.
I don't know who invented this virtuous selfish reliance.
Commitment to morality is achieved by committee.
Somewhere we've written a classified clause.
Not against seeing guns carried, so long as it matches your uniform-ity.
Don't let your matched threat cancel out my authority.
We rely on a right to trade bullets for conformity,
I'm all about keeping you equal under the law of me.
Let's dance to the rhythm of a new world order.
A pied piper's leadership and god like enforcer.
Dance to the promises of a gold smelting hoarder.
Worship the golden pig idol, cocoon of the dragon.
Gimme' your children's futures for the government trust fun!
Keep blaming santa's inept absence crying, “the government failed me.”
Bothers and sisters!
I mean racial minorities and feminists, bring the hate of oppression with an intolerable aggression.
Ladies and gentlemen!
I mean obedient women and soft inept men, bring your numbers!
We've got a cult to pressure.
You deserve more than you get!
Vote for violence become nameless soldiers forgotten for the ages.
Don't even bother with a thought's pause in those pages.

Recurring Witness

Can't bare to witness this beautiful corruption.
To see these blooming explosions,
natural humans celebrating.
To see my lifeblood fill the dirt like a spring shower.
My own dreams to dissipate,
and my legacy to fade into the fog.
Thank you all.
For taking advantage worshipping your damned selves,
for the common good,
for the bonus adulation.
Your promise of a beautiful corruption.
Makes me wish for more for myself,
more or less, humanity.
Wished this life was more a gift than a lesson.
Tired of my test, I'm surrounded.
Told to find the good in them,
To feel the guilt in being one.
I didn't ask for this.
I delight in my childhood naivety,
a fond memory.
To return with a vengeance when I'm elderly.
Apparently an unavoidable cultural lobotomy.
Now I've got decades to spend,
I'm too young to feel so cynical.
I'm sickened. I'm special? I'm afraid. I'm taken,
care of.

What Does Guilty Mean

All terrorists until proven innocent
terrorism from the top down
to the very thin lines that separate us.
Of the people by the people
standard issued boots cleaning up the streets.

We're told we can and so close to peace.
Give up your fights and cease.
We've got a chance so please,
whatever, does guilty mean?

Terrorists with innocence on lease.
Our cost for freedom comes due.
the color of innocence is blue,
so what does guilty mean?
A behavioral problem we'll be.

What does guilty mean?
Kelly Kelly, Kelly
they're killing me.
Oh What, does guilty mean?

Protect ourselves to risk
our protectors will charge a fee
take it from your hide policy.
But, call us whatever you need
We'll tell you what guilty means.

Home grown dissent it blooms
on the pavement in pools
with implied threats in schools.
War on terrorism war on ourselves.
No respect for lone men
white, red, or brown.

We don't offer, we owe dues
to the camouflage and blues.
Who don't earn only soak it in.
Paid to kill and righteously grin.
Yes we can, achieve this peace.
So close we are,
to change what guilty means.

Status isn't anonymous it's classified.
Anonymous isn't status it's terrified.
America cannot be corrupt and justified.
We walk these same streets declaring we're free.
Knowing our guilt, but no longer what guilty means.

Deserted Depression

There they go off wandering in their depression.
Blinded by the sun of their boiling frog oppression.
Perpetuated perfection divined and decadence reigning.
Submerged and suicidal and angrily awaking.
Work horses suffering their rearing never breaking.
Men of sorrow constance stoically faking.
Children raised in blinders stunted never escaping.
Upon a path to glorious righteousness taking.
Law dog hell hound statist lust for war making.
Chosen few winning team flags are a waving.
Sinful cities squares of multiple colors
each of them building walls closing their shutters.
Still marching silent with our nose to the grindstone.
Grateful for bloody peanuts still leaving the boss alone.
Never thought to yourselves that the problem ain't me.
Didn't even consider your pain was the powers that be.
Sleeping men never even offer surrender
Apologies sir, only a dreaming contender.

"Behavioral problems" are people that you can't control from saying things that you don't want to hear. I'm a behavioral problem.


Bump for Kelly Thomas. Never forget. The screams of being beaten to death by public servants.