Just an ancient village! Man that’s epic in my book LOL! We just don’t have things like that in the states.
Yeah homesteading to me is living on the land, with the land, taking care of our needs/self sufficiency. It’s a super active tag here as you found out. I think to many it’s a way to share earth-related skills, community empowerment, experimentation and exploration of a more sustainable future...
Happy to have all your associated accounts on board :) <3
Haha eh yeah guess I forget most American historical places aren't half as old as what we have here. Just lying around and almost going to waste in this case.. until we step in and put another layer on top.
We are relatively close to Carcassonne, which is an incredible medieval fort still in great condition.
Homesteading it is then! The original American dream, no?! Free, healthy and whole.