Anarcho Wardo new to steemit, asking the difficult questions

in #anarchocapitalism8 years ago (edited)

Steemit community, I hope all is well! i've taken the lead from some of the influencers I listen to and am hoping on steemit in the hopes of spreading the message everyone needs to hear.

Prepare yourself and family for the Global Currency Reset!

Said another way, We need to question the Federal Reserve System and its Fiat Monetary Enslavement.

There are so many avenues to review once you accept that our "United States Dollar" is a fictitious asset that is created from nothing but has an entire empire support/needing/relying on its use.

That is my goal on steemit, during the next couple months and years we are all going to be faced with difficult challenges, but we must always keep an eye on the end goal and realize that we will gain strength thru this adversity.

bullets about me:
Data Scientist for private consultant firm
Gold Miner in Ghana
Data Scientist at Sports Authority (forecasting company top lines sales, saw it coming)
Earned Masters in Operations Research
Selected for Air Force Academy Mathematics faculty pipeline
Analyst for Air Force Space Operational Test and Evaluation
Graduated Air Force Academy
2003 USA Rugby Collegiate National Champions

Over the course of my steemit career, I hope to educate those around me by asking difficult questions.

I adhere to an "Athlete Centered Coaching" philosophy and it is important that everyone internalize the answers to the difficult questions, otherwise the required realizations will be forgotten.

Ask the questions and educate yourself... yes, sadly the answers to some of the questions reveal the FORBIDDEN Conspiracies and the associated tagline Conspiracy Theories... but, with the empire of debt falling around us, the information will be revealed and the populace will educate itself on sound money really fast.

Can we take advantage of this global shift? YES!

I seek feedback and engagement!

Some questions to ponder?
What is money compared to fiat currency?

How is our global fiat currency system supported?

Who makes all the profit from Afghanistan Poppy Fields?

start peeling back the onion and we realize it STINKS